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A Faction in Masters of Raana is an interactable world entity with a Power Value than can be affected by various ways.

Factions play an important role in certain quests, in Investment opportunities, and determine how Ikaanos evolves during the Political Event Phase of each day's conclusion (at midnight). The MC can interact with factions through commerce, donations, quests and battles.

Faction variables[edit | edit source]

  • Soldiers/Fighters: The number of active combatant members.
  • Power value: A general value that expresses a Faction's influence over the world. If this reaches 0, the faction is permanently disabled.
  • Treasury: A faction's spendable money.
  • Focus: 0. Agrarian, 1. Mercenary, 2. Industry, 3. Trade, 4. Slave Trade, 5. Crime, 6. Prostitution, 7. Technology, 8. Culture, 9. Administration.
  • Standing: Your (The MC's) esteem with this faction.

Governing variables ("Head of state" only)[edit | edit source]

  • Corruption: Ikaanos' societal Corruption value indicates the Republic's general depravity and decadence.
  • Control: The Control value indicates the general security of Ikaanos, as well as bandit/raider spawns and the willingness of merchants to make investments and develop their businesses.
  • Prosperity: Ikaanos' Prosperity value shows the affluence and economic strength of its inhabitants, primarily affecting prices, and Fishing/Hunting actions.
  • Liberty: the degree of oppression versus personal autonomy (not necessarily sexual freedom) within Ikaanos currently. Laws as opposed to mores.

See Political Events for more information...

The MC's Faction[edit | edit source]

Every organized group of sentients can be regarded as a "faction", and there can be factions within factions. Your own household is no exception. You will start off with a very low Power Value, but will be able to raise it by increasing your number of soldiers (particularly if they are notable mercenaries), by gaining Influence and wealth, and in other ways detailed here: Power Value.

You can also join and/or contribute to other factions, though some have conditions to entry, or restrictions on who they will accept donations from, or when. Contributing to a faction can raise your Standing with it, as can successfully completing quests for them or helping them in other ways. Having high Standing may garner you daily cash &/or Iinfluence from that faction in return. And if you reach 100 Standing with some Factions they become a Vassal to you, adding 1/3 their Power Value to your own, and you may even become their leader - though Standing with some factions is capped at 70.

Existing Factions (Starting Power)[edit | edit source]

Factions summary as of game start
Faction name Power Value Leader Treasury Soldiers Headquarters location Focus Type
The Republic 22,000 The Chancellor 5,504,453,000 13,400 The Mastersphere trade A state (Ikaanos and its satellites, in both senses)
The Church of The Two Moons 10,200 H.P. Swanson 601,250,000 950 Crystal Hills trade Religion: the state religion of the Republic
The cult of The Elder 8,200 King David VIII 67,931,800 22,050 New Eden? agrarian Religion of the Davidians
Bandits 2,200 anarchy 0 12,050 under Stokke Hills crime loose affiliation of gangs living by robbery
Redhaven District 1,520 Mr. Earnshaw 48,540 14 Redhaven South administration District within Ikaanos City
The Academy 1,500 "The Grand Master" 14,778,540 145 Whitehaven culture Twin learning institutions: the Historical Society for research, and The Academy for teaching.
House Bellemme 1,200 The Baron 124,006,000 2,201 ? agrarian an Ikaanan Great House
The Rebels 1,200 "The Swallow" 7,900 1,200 Celior Forest mercenary wannabe alternative rulers of Ikaanos
House Cyker 900 Kalmani Cyker 691,240,000 1,259 Crow's End industry an Ikaanan Great House
The Order of The Red Tide 447 Randy Courger 674,200 1,265 The Borderlands slaving militant religion from Hakusan
House Teresto 427 The Council 789,229,000 219 ? technology an Ikaanan Great House
The Caliphate 400 Amir al-Balawi 6,012,000 650 Procoms trade Religion: moslems/Islam
The Kymanto Syndicate 350 Mr. Kiduro 54,326,000 461 Hamilton Square slaving an Ikaanan Great House
The Carozza Family 347 Don Carozza 76,784,200 265 Whitehaven crime an Ikaanan Great House
? 277 Grim Lazarus 116,000 400 ? mercenary warlord (WIP)
Catholic Church 179 "The Three Wise" 1,245,000 112 Westside Heights industy Religion: various Christian sects, led by the Catholics
The Aesir Tribe 150 Jarl Hjalmarsson 600,000 550 Watery Eyes mercenary A religious-ethnic grouping: Asatru gods, old Norse culture.
The Russians 127 Ivan Volkov 82,900 350 ? industry an Ikaanan ethnic affiliation
? Ugund Beria 55,000 160 ? mercenary warlord (WIP)
Raikan District 47 Nippon-koku 78,420 65 Raikan industry District within Ikaanos City; ethnically old Earth East Asian
Preacher's Hall 42 James Fornica ("The Mad Preacher") 60,000 49 Preacher's Pond agrarian small religious sex cult
Fort Sera 25 Major Sera Valkess 600 10 Outer Marston Swamps mercenary warlord
"House Halidor" 1 The Main Character (you, the player!) 300 0 Redhaven North mercenary warlord

Sub-factions[edit | edit source]

Certain minor factions might have a small effect on political events while not being integrated (read: fully affectable) in the faction system.

Sub-factions summary as of game start
Sub-faction Name Parent Faction Soldiers Location
Dockyard Punks Bandits 45 Ikaanos Docks
The Red Tigers Bandits 56 Redhaven North
Swamp Tribe Bandits 76 Preacher's Pond

Other Political Entities[edit | edit source]

The following organized groups of humans have influence in the game world but are not currently incorporated into the interactable faction system, so do not currently have Power Values: