Slave Market - Auction Slave - Base Price Calculations

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Base Price

Shown in game as "Estimated Sell Price".

Base Price is used to determine the starting price for an auction, how much each bid will increase the final price, and how many bidders are present at the auction.

Base Price Factors

There are many factors that determine the Base Price when auctioning a slave. Some of these factors are different in each Slave Market.

To calculate the final Base Price, you add the amounts from the following factors (listed in order that they affect the final price).


Crystal Heights Slave Market
Academics Money
40 to 69 $200
70 to 89 $800
90+ $1,600
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Academics Money
40 to 69 $200
70+ $800


Crystal Heights Slave Market
Acrobatics Money
30 to 49 $200
50 to 79 $600
80+ $1,400
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Acrobatics Money
30 to 49 $200
50 to 69 $600
70 to 79 $1,100
80+ $1,900


All Slave Markets
Affection Other Requirements Money
0 to 19 CurrentMoney* >= 1000 -$200
0 to 19 CurrentMoney* >= 3000 -$400
0 to 19 CurrentMoney* >= 4000 -$500
20 to 39 $0
40+ $200

*CurrentMoney in this chart refers the current total of all other factors when this code executes


Crystal Heights Slave Market
Age Money
1 to 18 $1,000
19 $200
20 to 21 $100
22 to 29 $0
30+ -$1,000
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Age Money
1 to 18 $1,000
19 $200
20 to 21 $100

Anal Skill

All Slave Markets
Anal Other Requirements Money
20 to 29 $50
30 to 49 $100
50 to 79 $300
80+ Prostitution Fame <= 39 $600


Crystal Heights Slave Market
Beauty Other Requirements Money
0 to 10 -$1,700
11 to 20 -$1,300
21 to 29 -$800
30 to 39 $0
40 to 59 $100
60 to 69 $1,900
70 to 79 $3,900
80 to 84 $6,900
85 to 87 $9,900
88+ Willpower <= 0 AND Age <= 18 $12,900
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Beauty Other Requirements Money
0 to 39 $0
40 to 59 $100
60 to 79 $1,900
80 to 84 $4,900
85 to 87 $7,900
88+ Willpower <= 0 AND Age <= 18 $10,900

Body Type/Frame

All Slave Markets
Body/Frame Money
Very Petite $1,000
Petite $100


Crystal Heights Slave Market
Charisma Money
0 to 10 -$400
11 to 20 -$100
21 to 39 $0
40 to 59 $100
60 to 79 $1,300
80+ $3,300
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Charisma Money
0 to 39 $0
40 to 79 $100
80+ $2,100

Corruption, Personal

Crystal Heights Slave Market
Corruption Money
0 to 3 -$100
3 to 9 $0
10 to 19 $100
20 to 29 $400
30 to 39 $800
40 to 49 $1,800
50 to 59 $2,800
60 to 79 $3,300
80+ $3,800
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Corruption Money
3 to 9 $0
10 to 19 $100
20 to 29 $400
30 to 39 $800
40 to 49 $1,800
50 to 59 $2,800
60 to 79 $3,300

Dancing Skill

All Slave Markets
Dancing Money
30 to 49 $200
50 to 69 $600
70 to 79 $1,100
80+ $1,900

Days Owned

All Slave Markets
Days Owned Other Requirements Money
0 to 3 CurrentMoney* >= 1000 -$400
0 to 3 CurrentMoney* >= 2000 -$1,200
0 to 3 CurrentMoney* >= 3000 -$1,700
4 to 5 CurrentMoney* >= 5000 -$2,700
4 to 5 CurrentMoney* >= 7000 -$3,700
4 to 5 CurrentMoney* >= 9000 -$5,700
6+ $0

*CurrentMoney in this chart refers the current total of all other factors when this code executes


All Slave Markets
Dexterity Money
50 to 69 $500
70+ $1,000


All Slave Markets
Discipline Money
40 to 59 $1,000
60 to 79 $2,000
80+ $3,000

Domestic Skill

Crystal Heights Slave Market
Domestic Money
30 to 49 $200
50 to 79 $400
80+ $1,600
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Domestic Money
30 to 49 $200
50 to 69 $400
70 to 79 $900
80+ $2,100


All Slave Markets
Fear Other Requirements Money
2 CurrentMoney* >= 1000 -$200
2 CurrentMoney* >= 3000 -$400
2 CurrentMoney* >= 4000 -$600
3+ CurrentMoney* >= 1000 -$400
3+ CurrentMoney* >= 3000 -$800
3+ CurrentMoney* >= 4000 -$1,100

*CurrentMoney in this chart refers the current total of all other factors when this code executes

Feminist Trait

All Slave Markets
Trait Money
Feminist -$800

Gardening Skill

All Slave Markets
Gardening Money
40+ $500

GRIMDARK Difficulty

Grimdark difficulty reduces sales price based on the current price.

All Slave Markets
CurrentMoney* Money
$0 to $2000 $0
$2000 to $2999 -$200
$3000 to $3999 -$400
$4000 to $4999 -$600
$5000 to $5999 -$800
$6000 to $6999 -$1,000
$7000 to $7999 -$1,200
$8000 to $9999 -$1,400
$10000 to $11999 -$1,900
$12000+ -$2,400

*CurrentMoney in this chart refers the current total of all other factors when this code executes


Crystal Heights Slave Market
Intelligence Money
0 to 30 -$100
31 to 49 $0
50 to 59 $500
60 to 79 $1,000
80 to 99 $2,500
100+ $3,500
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Intelligence Money
0 to 49 $0
50 to 59 $500
60 to 79 $1,000
80+ $2,500


All Slave Markets
Kindness Money
40 to 59 $100
60+ $400

Kissing Skill

Crystal Heights Slave Market
Kissing Money
30 to 49 $50
50 to 79 $150
80+ $450
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Kissing Money
You get nothing $0

Medicine Skill

Crystal Heights Slave Market
Medicine Money
40 to 69 $600
70 to 89 $1,200
90+ $2,000
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Medicine Money
40 to 69 $600
70+ $1,200

Oral Skill

All Slave Markets
Oral Other Requirements Money
20 to 29 $50
30 to 49 $300
50 to 79 $700
80+ Prostitution Fame <= 49 $1,900

Piercings, Nipples

Market Money
Crystal Heights $100
Watery Eyes $300

Piercing, Lower Body

Market Money
Both $250

Prostitution Score

This is displayed as Notoriety on page 2 of the Stats & Traits tab.
It is also displayed as Fame on the Prostitution page.
Not to be confused with Fame on page 2 of the Stats & Traits tab, which is War Fame.

Ikaanos Corruption must be 75+

All Slave Markets
Prostitution Score Money
0-19 $0
20-59 $500
60-89 $1,000
90-119 $2,000
120-499 $3,500
500-749 $5,000
750 $6,500

Pure Trait

All Slave Markets
Trait Other Requirements Money
Pure Corruption <= 5 AND Age <= 20 AND Willpower <= 20 $3,000

Science Skill

Crystal Heights Slave Market
Science Money
40 to 69 $200
70 to 89 $800
90+ $1,600
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Science Money
40 to 69 $200
70+ $800


Crystal Heights Slave Market
Strength Money
40+ $200
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Strength Money
40 to 49 $400
50 to 59 $600
60+ $1,000

Vaginal Skill

All Slave Markets
Vaginal Other Requirements Money
20 to 29 $50
30 to 49 $200
50 to 79 $500
80+ Prostitution Fame <= 39 $1,300

Virgin (Vaginal)

All Slave Markets
Virgin Other Requirements Money
Vaginal $2,500
Vaginal Corruption <= 5 AND Age <= 20 AND Willpower <= 5 $7,500

Wear, Anal

Crystal Heights Slave Market
Anal Wear Money
0 to 49 $0
50 to 59 -$200
60 to 89 -$500
90+ -$700
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Anal Wear Money
0 to 59 $0
60 to 89 -$300
90+ -$500

Wear, Nipples

All Slave Markets
Nipple Wear Money
0 to 39 $0
40 to 89 -$600
90+ -$1,200

Wear, Oral

All Slave Markets
Oral Wear Other Requirements Money
0 to 39 $0
40 to 89 -$600
90+ -$1,200
90+ CurrentMoney* >= 1000 -$1,800

*CurrentMoney in this chart refers the current total of all other factors when this code executes

Wear, Vaginal

Crystal Heights Slave Market
Vaginal Wear Money
0 to 49 $0
50 to 59 -$200
60 to 89 -$500
90+ -$700
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Vaginal Wear Money
0 to 59 $0
60 to 89 -$300
90+ -$500


Crystal Heights Slave Market
Willpower Money
30 to 39 -$300
20 to 29 $100
10 to 19 $400
05 to 09 $1,000
01 to 04 $1,000
-2 to 00 $2,000
-4 to -3 $2,800
-09 to -05 $3,600
-10 to -11 $4,100
-12 to -14 $4,600
-15 $5,100
Watery Eyes Slave Market
Willpower Money
30 to 39 -$300
20 to 29 $100
10 to 19 $400
05 to 09 $1,000
01 to 04 $1,000
-2 to 00 $2,000
-4 to -3 $2,800

War Fame

This is displayed as Fame on page 2 of the Stats & Traits tab.
Not to be confused with Fame on the Prostitution tab, which is Prostitution score.

If Fame >= 50, then add Fame to Money



Armand is an NPC you can hire.

All Slave Markets
Armand Other Requirements Money
Employed $50
Employed Armand's Affection >= 60 CurrentMoney* x 10%

*CurrentMoney in this chart refers the current total of all other factors when this code executes

Children of the MC

If the NPC is one of your Children, then add 1.1% of your Influence to Money

Manhunter Trait

Manhunter is a trait which the MC can take during character creation.

All Slave Markets
Trait Money
Manhunter CurrentMoney* x 15%

*CurrentMoney in this chart refers the current total of all other factors when this code executes