Traits (NPCs)

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More than their Attributes, States and Skills, NPCs are distinguished by Traits that are integral parts of their identity and personality. Some traits can be sexual in nature, while others are more mundane and may represent something that he or she is particularly good at, something that their background has instilled in them or even just a preference they hold. Most Traits start at zero or 100. You notice them when they are "on", but some have a value that changes during the game. That means that the traits a character starts with aren't always fixed for life; some may show up or vanish during play. And some of them you may intentionally develop, or try to get rid of.

Some traits are unique to a particular individual. Some are commoner than others. And this list is not complete!

Sexual Traits

See also Dominant and Submissive, below.

Daddy issues

This NPC responds more positively to older MCs and prefers to hang out with and getting taught by mature men.

  • Effects: MC age 40+ provides a +20 Charm and Persuade bonus, MC age 60+ an additional +10. MC's that are 25 years or younger receives a -20 penalty to all Charm and persuasion rolls.
  • How to increase: WIP.
  • How to decrease: Degrading cum events with very low Arousal (-10) have a 15% chance of decreasing this Trait with one point if the MC is 40+.
  • Sex: Female only.


This NPC's vaginal and anal openings are very tight, causing more pain and wear than usual. You'll have a much harder time arousing a Delicate slave with larger manhoods if she's not corrupted enough.

  • Effects: Various penalties during anal and vaginal sex. A -20 chance penalty applies to all sex rolls if your cock is Impressive or larger. Massive cocks will cause even more wear, and might physically hurt the girl even if you play it relatively safe.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: Through long and grueling sessions of sex. Once Anal proficiency and the Vaginal skill reaches 60, she'll have a 50% chance of decreasing this Trait with one point per day.
  • Sex: Female only.


This NPC has a genetic urge for sex and is much easier to arouse and persuade into having sex as long as his or her Anger and Affection isn’t at terribly low levels.

  • Effects: +35 to all Persuasion attempts if Affection is Neutral+. +120 to all Persuasion attempts if Arousal is 6+ and Affection is Neutral+. Gains an extra Happiness and Affection point if brought to orgasm during sex. +20 chance boost to all Copulation rolls (all sex events, except Oral).
  • How to increase: There's a small chance to increase the Nymphomaniac trait by bringing a girl to orgasm during several different sexual acts.
  • How to decrease: Bad sexual experiences and low Arousal during sex, have a 5-15% chance of decreasing a slave's Nymphomaniac trait with one point.
  • Sex: Female and Males.

Oral fixation

This NPC responds more positively to treats and kissing. She's also easier to persuade into having oral sex.

  • Effects: Happiness gains during oral orgasms, +20 Persuade bonus when asking for oral, if Affection is Neutral or higher. Chance to increase Happiness with an additional point when providing the girl with treats.
  • How to increase: Making a girl orgasm while performing oral on you, with a chance roll that's above 20, will raise this trait with one point.
  • How to decrease: N/A.
  • Sex: Female only.


This NPC likes everything that has to do with sex - especially kinky stuff like bondage, degradation and cum on (or in) unnatural places.

  • Effects: Easier to seduce (+20-40), responds better to bondage sessions if Affection is Friendly+. Walking around with low Arousal for too long might negatively affect Happiness (7% chance).
  • How to increase: 1% chance to raise this trait with one point per orgasm during bondage sex.
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Females and Males.


This NPC is a prude and dislikes to show him or herself naked or dressed in vulgar clothes. Forcing or asking her to take her clothes off or walk around in bikinis/harnesses will result in a larger Happiness and WILLPOWER loss compared to normal girls. Asking her to strip naked or put on a bondage harness will also be much more difficult.

  • Effects: Willpower loses when asked to be naked or dressed in skimpy clothes but also loses Happiness and Affection.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: Trait will remain dormant when Corruption reaches 40
  • Sex: Females and Males.

Size queen

This NPC prefers larger manhoods while indulging in sexual activities. It doesn’t mean that she's overly-perverted, it's just that she finds normal dicks uninteresting.

  • Effects: -20 chance bonus during sexual sessions if your penis is "Normal". +20 chance bonus during sexual sessions if your penis is "Massive".
  • How to increase: N/A.
  • How to decrease: N/A.
  • Sex: Female only.


This NPC dislikes kinky, degrading and BDSM-related sexual actions.

  • Effects: Increases his or her Corruption slower than other NPCs. Large penalty (-25) during bondage sessions. Lowers Corruption with one point per day if Corruption is above 9.
  • How to increase: Assign an NPC as a slave to a slave master with 60+ Pure trait, 10 or less Corruption and 80+ Vanilla trait.
  • How to decrease: Orgasms during bondage sex or hard vaginal/anal sex has a 20% chance of decreasing this trait with one point. Maintaining a Corruption above 60 when pressing Conclude day has a 20% chance of decreasing this trait with one point as well. Having the Touch of Adonis will always decrease this trait by one point on orgasms during vaginal/anal sex.
  • Sex: Females and Males.

General Traits


The character is one of the many with a serious addiction to denaar resin, and will want at least $25 per day to buy a fix, or will suffer physical symptoms of withdrawal. Breaking the addiction may take months.

  • Effects: Each day with less than $25 worth of the drug, 10% chance to lose a point of Intelligence, Discipline, Stamina or Willpower. Also, cannot increase Discipline above 40 as long as the addiction is active.
  • How to increase: Give someone enough denaar resin to get them hooked.
  • How to decrease: Deny the addict an allowance for 100 days (or maybe for 1 day per point of addiction). Locking them up for the duration will do the job, but may not be necessary; they may still be able to do work while suffering withdrawal, without stealing money to buy drugs, getting drugs through some other route, or running away.


An NPC with the Advocate Trait tries to steer your other slaves toward her own Willpower - as long as she's not depressed or trapped in bondage.

  • Effects: A chance roll based on the Advocate's Discipline and Intelligence determines if she's successful in either increasing Household Demoralization (WILLPOWER 9 or less) OR decrease Household Demoralization (requires WILLPOWER 40+) and/or increase household Emancipation (requires WILLPOWER 70+ and Corruption below 40). An Advocate with a WILLPOWER between 10 and 39 is more or less dormant.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: Elixir of serenity from Raikan (Haruki's Store).
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC has more resistance against willpower-reducing techniques. She can also be quite bitchy against other slaves.

  • Effects: Will affect other slaves by lowering their Willpower in randomly generated "discussions" that checks Willpower against Willpower. The slave's presence in your household might also affect other slave's Happiness negatively. Dominant and commanding words receive a large penalty (-20) if the Dominant slave's Corruption is below 40. All Cunnilingus attempts get a noticeable bonus, however.
  • How to increase: A Malevolent slave with Willpower above 30 has a 5% chance to increase this trait with one point per day.
  • How to decrease: Keeping a Dominant slave's Willpower below 0 has a 5% chance to decrease this trait with one point per day.
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC is a social creature and needs more attention than other slaves.

  • Effects: Will reduce happiness if left alone for too many days. Increasingly depressed if no other girls in the household. In return she responds very well to social events such as dinners and movie nights. Small daily chance (5%) that she gains willpower if there are other girls in your household as long as her corruption is below 30 and her willpower is above 10.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC is all into girl power and will strengthen other girls' Willpower and lower their Corruption.

  • Effects: Heavier Affection loss if you keep her below Loving. Her raise Willpower/lower Corruption effect will immediately become inactive if her Willpower drops below 24 or if her Corruption reaches 40+ - OR if you keep her tied up in bondage or imprisoned.
  • How to increase: There's a 10% chance to increase this Trait with one point per day if you keep your girl at The Secret Garden Bookstore.
  • How to decrease: Keeping your slave's Corruption above 59 will decrease this Trait with one point per day (100% chance). Feminists that have an orgasm during bondage sex have a 20% chance to lower their Trait with one point per orgasm.
  • Sex: Females only.


This NPC doesn't like getting affectionate or intimate with the MC if her Affection isn't high enough.

  • Effects: Large penalty to all Seduction and Charm attempts if Affection is below Amiable.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: Having an Affection that is Loving+ or Happiness above 79 when hitting End Day has a 15% chance of lowering this Trait with one point.
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC gains Happiness at a much slower pace; events that would make a normal person happy might not affect a Jaded one at all. He or she isn't as receptive to negative Happiness effects either, however.

  • Effects: Slower Happiness gain. Doesn't lose as much Happiness or Affection when MC treats her badly.
  • How to increase: Ending the day with an NPC that has Happiness 10 or less, and Affection Abhorred or worse, has a 20% risk of raising this Trait with one point.
  • How to decrease: Having an Affection that is Loving+ or Happiness above 79 when hitting End Day has a 15% chance of lowering this Trait with one point.
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC is a mean bitch who enjoys watching others suffer - at least to some extent.

  • Effects: Starts with higher Corruption, has a +5 damage bonus in combat, and +2 to Guard Value. Daily 15% chance of raising Corruption by one point if Happiness is 40 or higher. 15% chance to lower other girls' Happiness one point per day, if their Willpower is 39 or lower.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: An NPC with the Pure trait, and Willpower above 40, has a 2% chance to decrease another Malevolent NPC's Trait with one point per day. Raising a Malevolent NPC's Kindness to 60+ also has a daily 15% chance to lower its Malevolent Trait Value with one point.
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC absolutely loves luxury and affluence. Bringing him or her perfumes, gifts, snacks and expensive dinners at The Golden Dragon will boost Happiness and Affection more than if you'd do the same to a normal NPC.

  • Effects: Increases boost on Happiness and Affection gains on gifts, treats and dinner dates, BUT have a chance to lower Happiness and Affection if you have Basic or lower Home Upgrades.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC loves delving deep into books, learning unnecessary information and staying obsessively focused on obscure subjects. He or she will be easier to homeschool (Academics, Science) and has a chance to increase Happiness when staying at the Academy.

  • Effects: Starts with a +5 Intelligence, Academics and Science boost, but a -8 Charisma modification.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC hates combat and will lose Happiness if you involve him or her in any battle situation. Conflicts with the Warrior trait; someone can have one or the other but not both.

  • Effects: Decreases Happiness if present in combat encounters, but starts with higher Kindness (+20).
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC does everything with extreme devotion and will not settle with half-measures. He or she can be a pain to homeschool (-20 Focus) but gains a higher skill yield in return.

  • Effects: An additional +2 Influence if assigned as maid. Has a 1% chance of raising a random skill once per day. Starts with a +10 Discipline boost.
  • How to increase: NPCs that have an assigned Title, Discipline 60+, Happiness 50+ and Willpower 25+ has a 50% chance to raise his or her Perfectionist Trait with one point.
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC is indeed pure - both in heart and soul. Corrupting him or her will be much harder than with ordinary NPCs. As a (mostly appreciated) side-effect, the pure NPC's presence in your household continuously increases household Purity.

  • Effects: About 50-90% harder to raise Corruption. Daily loss of Corruption of 1-2 points.
  • How to increase: Assign an NPC as a slave to a slave master with the Pure trait (value 60+) and Corruption 10 or less.
  • How to decrease: Keeping a Pure slave's Corruption above 50 when hitting End day has a 50% chance of decreasing her Pure Trait value by one point. Orgasms during bondage sex also have a 15% chance to decrease her Pure trait by one point.
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC is a scavvie by heart and will bring in an additional +3 Merchandise daily if assigned as the Scavenger job. He/she could also discover valuable items such as energy cells, tendstims and durasteel while out on scavenging runs.

  • Effects: +3 merchandise from scavenging, plus 1/15 chances for Tendstim, Energy Cell and Durasteel.
  • How to increase: N/A.
  • How to decrease: N/A.
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC dislikes larger crowds and feels more at home in a small household.

  • Effects: 25% chance to lose Happiness every day if there are more than 19 other NPCs in the household. This trait becomes inactive if you have accumulated 75+ Household Purity or if The Grove is still standing in your yard.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC loves to be at the center of attention. They are very much into acting, performing and dancing.

  • Effects: Increases Happiness and a small chance to increase Affection if assigned to acting, performing or dancing works. A Starlet starts with a +10 Dancing and +10 Performance bonus.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC prefers being dominated and told what to do by a stronger man or woman. He or he is easily subdued and loses Willpower faster than other NPCs.

  • Effects: Loses Willpower and gain Corruption faster but also imposes a small penalty on all homeschooling classes if Willpower is 9 or above .There's however a small chance bonus if you let this NPC go through the class naked.
  • How to increase: There's a 25% chance to increase the Submissive trait through "Explaining chores" dominantly and through "Frighten" actions if the NPC's Willpower is below 30. You can also increase the Submissive Trait by letting a girl walk around with a Large+ butt plug. This requires her Corruption to be 20+ and her Affection toward you Friendly or higher. You can also increase this trait (15% chance/night) by letting an NPC sleep on your floor, as long as her WILLPOWER is below 40.
  • How to decrease: There's a 20% chance to decrease the Submissive trait through the "Encourage" talk option.
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC responds more positively to treats, dinners, and snacks at the movies. There's also an increase weight gain risk, as he or she is prone to snacking and over-eating.

  • Effects: Large Happiness and Affection bonuses when giving treats, which also have a chance to decrease Anger.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: Keeping the NPC in shape, with enough discipline, has a chance to break him or her free from compulsive over eating (Discipline 50+ and Dexterity 50+ has a 30% chance to decrease this trait with one point per day).
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC is like an all-knowing android from a classic sci-fi TV-series. Well, almost anyway; she loves all sorts of gadgets, computers and technology.

  • Effects: Having a computer in your household gives this NPC a small chance (15%) to increase her Happiness with one point per day. Their presence also boosts her Academic and Science gains from homeschooling classes. All upgrades you do to your tech module instantly give her a +3 Happiness boost. There's also a bonus to all door hacking attempts and a larger chance to find DuraSteel while scrapping merchandise as long as her Affection is Neutral or higher. A techie always starts the game with a +20 boost to her Science skill.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC feels more at home in the outskirts and receives a Happiness bonus if you allow him or her to participate in hunting trips. The NPC also adds a chance boost to all fishing and hunting rolls, regardless of Survival skill.

  • Effects: Starts with a modifier +25 Survival Skill and also adds a small chance boost to all fishing and hunting rolls.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.


This NPC loves to work, always trying to make a good impression if assigned to a vendor in Ikaanos – giving you a daily +2 Influence gain. Assigning this NPC (fenale) as Head Maid provides a +4 daily Influence boost, as she'll make your household spotless and a fine example of how diligence should look like. Workaholics start with a +15 Discipline boost and has a 15% daily chance of raising Discipline (to a maximum of 100) if Happiness is Low or higher, Affection toward you is Neutral or higher and there's no active Anger.

  • Effects: Starts with a +15 Discipline modifier and a 15% daily chance to raise Discipline if Happiness is Low or higher, Affection is Neutral or higher and Angry is Low, +2 Daily Influence gains if assigned to vendors and a +4 daily Influences if assigned to be a Head Maid.
  • How to increase: A female NPC assigned as a maid has a 15% daily chance of raising her Workaholic Trait Value if her Discipline is 50+, her Happiness 60+ and her Affection Loving+. An NPC assigned as a Janitor has a 15% daily chance of increasing their Workaholic Trait Value if their Discipline is 60+.
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.

Combat traits

See also: Malevolent, above, and Shadowborn and Overcharge, below.

Ammo Pack

The NPC has enough wealth or contacts to supply their own ammunition. They will not deplete the MCs ammo stash during combat encounters.


This NPC cannot get enough of adrenaline-soaked encounters and thrives in every combat situation – especially if they are on the winning team.

  • Effects: Happiness and Affection increases when winning a battle, but harder to gain Kindness.
  • How to increase: Fighting with an NPC as a follower gives that follower a small chance to gain on point per fight - if he/she doesn't have the Pure Trait or Kindness 60+.
  • How to decrease: Taking this NPC out for walks or dinner dates (through the Events & Activities menu) and proclaiming your love for them has a small (%15) chance of decreasing this trait with one point.


This person prefers melee weapons in combat. They gain a bonus while trying to increase Melee, skill and do more damage melee weapons in combat. However their focus on melee weapons makes them less apt to increase Ranged weapon skill.

  • Effects: +3 melee damage, and +10 chance to increase Melee skill and STRENGTH while training, but a small decrease in chance in Ranged weapon training. +2 to Guard Value.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A


This character has uncanny deadliness with Ranged weapons.

  • Effects: When using a Ranged weapon, 25% chance of a Critical Hit in Combat instead of the usual 5%.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A


This NPC has a natural talent for combat and raises his or her Melee and Ranged weapon skills much faster than ordinary NPCs.

  • Effects: +3 damage bonus in Combat. +5 training chance bonus when doing joint training sessions with the MC. +15 boost to all Arena combat rolls. +2 to Guard Value. +15 to Captain of the Guard skill if Warrior trait above 70.
  • How to increase: There's a 5% chance to raise this Trait one point for every won combat that the NPC participates in. There's also a 10% chance to increase this trait if the NPC is assigned to the Arena and has a Discipline above 49.
  • How to decrease: N/A

Rare & Unique Traits


An NPC with the Attention-whore trait is a self-occupied wiseacre that more or less demands that you spend personal time with him or her. All Attention-whore NPCs have an attention meter in their trait pop info box. If this meter is full, the NPC will suffer drastic Happiness and Affection drops. Empty this bar by taking the NPC to the cinema, river walks, the diner, include him (Bud only) in Dockgrave bar runs, the Golden Dragon, throw pool parties or "spend time together" (a special event for some NPCs).

  • Effects: An NPC with a full bar receives a -2 Happiness and Affection drop per day. An NPC with an empty or almost empty bar will however increase his or her Happiness (+3) and Affection toward you (+2).
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A
  • Sex: Both.


Mai-Lynn Oshiro has severe mental anxiety causing Happiness and Affection to drop faster than they otherwise would.

  • Cause: Unfinished Character Quest.
  • Effects: -5 Happiness drop daily, to a minimum of 25. Affection also drops -2 points per day, down to Loving+.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: Complete the character's quest.

Green Thumb

Mai-Lynn Oshiro has the unique trait "Green Thumb". She has a natural talent for growing edibles and herbs. She boosts Rations yield by 2 per day as long as she is assigned as your Gardener, regardless of the Garden's level. She also uses Garden Tools more effectively, so grants an additional 1 Ration per day if your Garden has been upgraded to include Tools.


Due to his Red Tide religious beliefs, the cultist monk (name randomly generated) will forever serve whoever defeats him in combat, considering it a bond stronger than brotherhood.


Loren de Machaut adds a +20 chance bonus to all Hunting rolls. She also increases Meat and Pelt yield by roughly 30%.

Mentally Challenged

Kyle Scantell is mentally impaired from birth. This is more than just having low Intelligence.

  • Effects: -85% chance penalty when trying to increase Intelligence, Academics, Science, Medicine or Administration.
  • How to increase: N/A
  • How to decrease: N/A


Kate Veeron has the unique trait Shadowborn, which gives her Stealth in combat like a Stealth armor suit: she acts in a way that leads enemies to tend to target other Followers before they target her.


Skullduggerist is Rebecca Higgs' special ability that will help manage your investments. She increases passive income by 50% to 75% depending on which investments are made. The trait may improve further if you marry her.

Space Pilot

Milou Skye is one of the few humans on Raana who can pilot interplanetary vehicles. She flies one of the shuttles connecting Ikaanos to the Mastersphere,

Struver Overcharge

Ayden Rhoades exclusively uses a customized coilgun that does +45 damage on its first shot in combat. The Struver-XE coil enhancer makes a lot of noise when it discharges, then needs 5 minutes to recharge.