Assignments and Jobs

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Preparing an NPC for adventures and combat[edit | edit source]

You can add any NPC to your combat group by clicking on the Add Follower button next to their Interaction shortcut (see screenshot).

Add an NPC to your follower group by clicking on this button.

Adding NPCs as a Follower immediately terminates their current job assignments.

Clicking that button again removes the NPC from your combat group and reassigns him to his earlier assignment..

Most NPC character quests require that you've assigned the NPC to your group in order to resolve his or her quest.

Weapons and gear[edit | edit source]

You can arm an NPC from its Inventory which you're able to access either through the NPC Menu (second screenshot) or through the NPCs>Inventory button while out on adventures (third screenshot).

You can access an NPC's Inventory through this shortcut in the bottom right corner while navigating the NPC Menu.

Any weapons/armor equipped through this menu will be transferred from the player's inventory to the NPC.

You can also access an NPC's Inventory directly from its Inventory button while out on adventures.

Links and guides[edit | edit source]

Read more about weapons here.

Read more about armors here.

Available assignments[edit | edit source]

Shop Assistants[edit | edit source]

Abbot Roo's General Store (Redhaven)[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: $25
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Age: 19 or younger
  • Risks: Low

Working at Roo's General store is a relatively mindless assignment that'll not cost your slave any significant stamina. Abbot Roo only accepts teenage girls!

Risks are low, but a girl is not completely safe from Abbot Roo's hungry eyes, especially if he's having a bad day.

Devious Tools (Whitehaven)[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: $50
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Age: 35 or younger
  • Risks: High!
  • Requirements: 50+ Corruption OR Willpower 9-

Working at Devious tools affects both the mind and body in many ways. A girl must endure prodding customers, spontaneous orgies and the cruelty from Miss Devious herself.

Only a slave with very high Corruption will appreciate working here, and she can still obtain injuries due to mishaps or reckless customers. The despicable acts your girl will have to endure also require a special mindset.


  • 16.67% chance +1 Discipline up to 70
  • 16.67% chance -2 Willpower
  • 16.67% chance -2 Happiness, if Corruption is 40+ this does not happen
  • +1-6 Anal wear
  • +5 Vaginal wear
  • +5 Oral wear

Secret Garden Bookstore (Whitehaven)[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: $25
  • Hours: 8.15 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: Special

Working at Mrs. Bouchard quaint little boutique is a rather special experience - selling teas, trinkets and all kinds of books; but also hanging out with a very peculiar crowd of other girls - little Everette, proud Maria and the jovial Elsa.


  • 16.67% chance +1 Willpower
  • 16.67% chance +1 Happiness
  • 16.67% chance +1 Feminist trait up to 100
  • heightened Escape risk if your slave's Anger is Upset or worse (Unconfirmed)

Walton's Smithery (Redhaven)[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: $15
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: None
  • MC Background: Soldier lvl 2 or higher.

Mr. Walton has offered you, a fellow soldier, a chance to employ one of your slaves as an ammunition's sorter. You believe he's doing this just to be kind, and the task would probably not be very taxing for the girl in question.

There are no risks involved, other than increased Exhaustion due to the mindless work down in Walton's cellar. Sitting next door to Bud Walton might not add to the pleasantness either.

Nika's clothing store (Westside)[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: $30
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: None

The proud Russian Nikolai offers one of your slaves the opportunity to work in sales, including customer support, administration and other store duties.

There are no special risks involved - Nikolai doesn't treat his employees as slaves.


  • 16.67% daily chance that a girl will increase her Charisma up to 60.

The Golden Dragon (Performer) (Crystal Hills)[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: $150, $180 if Extroverted
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: Low
  • Requirements:
    • Can not have the Shy trait
    • Beauty 60+
    • Charisma 60+
    • Dancing OR Performance 70+

Working as a performer at the Golden Dragon is an honorable assignment, but it does require some form of class and training.

Work might include overtime - don't be too alarmed if your slave returns late sometimes.

There are no special risks involved other than a very small chance of increased Willpower.


  • 16.67% daily chance to increase Performance up to 90.
  • 16.67% daily chance to increase Charisma up to 80, if Happiness is 60+
  • 16.67% daily chance to increase Willpower up to 30, if Happiness is 30+

Carpenter (South Redhaven)[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: $40
  • Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Age: 12+
  • Risks: Low

Working at Mr. Kai's Furniture store involves heavy lifting, cleaning, helping the chief carpenter with administrative chores and performing basic carpenter assignments.


  • 16.67% daily chance to increase Strength up to 60.
  • 16.67% daily chance to lose 10 health, but only if health is 20+.

Household Assistants[edit | edit source]

House Maid[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: None
  • Hours: Special
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: None

Assigning a girl as a Household Maid will keep her at home, accessible if you should require other services.

A household can have any number of maids.

There are no special risks involved other than what her Master might decide happens during breaks.


  • Each Maid adds opulence to your household, granting +2 Influence every day.
  • If the Maid has the Perfectionist trait (90+), they grant an additional +2 Influence every day.
  • Maids have a daily 15% chance to increase their Domestic skill, up to a maximum of 60.
  • Piper Holdman can grant an additional +3 Influence if assigned to the Maid job, and:
    • Her Domestic is 70+
    • Her Affection is 60+ (Amiable)

Note: Not to be confused with the Head Maid, which is a Title not a full-time job, and is detailed on the Titles page.

Gardener[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: Special
  • Hours: Special
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: None

Assigning an NPC as a gardener boosts your Garden's income based on his or her Gardening skill. It's a full-time assignment, but the NPC will be accessible throughout the day if you should require other services.

A household can only have one Gardener.

Gardening 1-24: +0% income.
Gardening 25-49: +25% income.
Gardening 50-74: +50% income.
Gardening 75-129: +100% income.
Gardening 130+: +200% income.

There's a daily 16.67% chance to increase a gardener's Gardening skill one point, up to a maximum of 80. Assigning them to the Administration and Domestic Program at the Academy can further boost Gardening skill.

There are also no special risks involved other than what a slave's Master might decide happens during breaks.

Mai-Lynn Oshiro provides additional bonus if working at the garden.

Slave Master/Mistress[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: None
  • Hours: Special
  • Age: 18+
  • Risks: Low

Assigning an NPC to slave training duty allows you to assign slaves to them. They will spend their days training assigned slaves according to their stats and traits.

Details found here: Assignments and Jobs - Slave Master.

Scavenger[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: Special
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: High!

NPCs assigned as Scavengers go out all day searching for scrap and other things which can be sold on or processed into their useful constituents. Each day, each Scavenger will try to bring back some Merchandise. Their chances are helped by having high Intelligence, Survival skill, and particularly if they have the natural affinity for the job indicated by the Scavenger trait. Having this trait also means they might find stuff much more valuable than Merchandise.

N.B. The siblings Laika and Loden both have this trait, and if sent Scavenging on the same day, will work together to bring home extra Merchandise (up to +6), and maybe extra tendstims too. (Don't ask them where they get this loot!)

Details found here: Assignments and Jobs - Scavenger.

Guard[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: Special
  • Hours: Special
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: High

The Guards 's main task is to keep your household safe from external threats, and to keep unruly slaves from escaping.

You can have any number of Guards.

Details found here: Assignments and Jobs - Guard.

Captain of the Guard[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: Special
  • Hours: Special
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: High

The Captain of the guard is the leader and trainer of your security forces. A captain will train the guards discipline and combat skills, and help guarding your household.

You can only have one Captain.

More details here: Assignments and Jobs - Captain of the Guard.

Janitor[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: Special
  • Hours: Special
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: Low

A janitor's main duty is to maintain your household's Disrepair value at reasonable levels. This will remove squalor effects, make Materialistic NPCs happier and keep you from losing Influence. Assigning someone as a Janitor is a way to encourage them to eventually become a workaholic.

A household can have any number of Janitors.


  • -1 Household Disrepair, daily
  • If Janitor's Discipline is 40+, extra -1 Household Disrepair, daily.
  • If Discipline is 60+ AND Janitor is not in bondage, then 16.67% daily chance to increase Workaholic trait by +1, up to cap at 100.

Accountant[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: Special
  • Hours: Special
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: None

An accountant is the backbone of every serious household – especially if its aim is to build a business empire. An accountant will contribute with his or her skills to boost income and lower maintenance at higher levels.

You can only have one Accountant.

More details here: Assignments and Jobs - Accountant.

Herald[edit | edit source]

  • Daily income: Influence points; see below
  • Daily cost: none?
  • Hours: 9-5
  • Age: Any
  • Risks: None

A Herald travels Ikaanos, spreading her household's good name, hoping to increase its status and influence. As long as your Herald has an Affection of Neutral or above, and is not Angry, they will increase your Influence by +2 per day minimum, and possibly a lot more depending on Skills and Attributes. Intelligence, Charisma, Beauty, Performance skill, the Starlet trait, a high Battle Fame, and being old enough to be taken seriously (age below 16 is possible but penalized) all contribute to someone's effectiveness as a Herald.

(Herald Skill = Intelligence + Charisma + Beauty + Performance, +10 if Warfame >199, + another 10 if Warfame >599, - 15 if age <17, +15 if Starlet trait >69, then finally divide by 4. And it's zeroed if the Herald is Angry, or doesn't have at least neutral Affection. The Influence bonus from the Herald = Skill / 4.)

You can only have one Herald.

The Academy[edit | edit source]

You can pay (on a daily basis) to have your NPCs take classes at The Academy during the day - or, once they are knowledgeable enough and if you'd prioritize earning over learning, you can send them there to teach or lecture; there is always demand at the Academy for day-labor "supply teachers" to fill in for absent staff, help students with their work, or assist in practicals.

Learning at The Academy[edit | edit source]

  • Schedule: 9am-4pm (plus commute time).
  • Maximum Age: 25* recommended; see below.
  • Cost: $60 or $80 per day
  • Benefits: each course will improve 5 or 6 of a student's relevant Skills and Attributes, 1- 3 points each per fortnight on average. This display of your wealth and your valuing of the finer things in life will also gain you +2 Influence per student per day.

* The Academy is currently experimenting with allowing people of any age to attend its courses (money talks!) However these courses were designed with people of a set age and expected education level in mind, so older students might find the courses pitched at the wrong level for them, or they might feel socially uncomfortable or lonely if they are a generation older than everyone else in the class.

Science and Hardware Class[edit | edit source]

A five-year program that trains Ikaanos' future engineers. The SAH, as it's called, delves into everything from natural history to advanced computers and Grid navigation. It will address a student's Science, Academics, Discipline, INTELLIGENCE and WILLPOWER (in that order). Find full details of this course on The Academy's page.

History and Anthropology Class[edit | edit source]

A three-year program that offers a complete understanding of Earth's history, Raanic history, and a thorough overview of life and events on other planets before the severance. It will address a student's Academics, Science, Discipline, INTELLIGENCE and WILLPOWER (in that order). Find full details of this course on The Academy's page.

Administration and Domestic Art Class[edit | edit source]

A three-year program that offers the students a thorough understanding of household economy, gastronomy, and maid services. It will address a student's Domestic, Administration, Gardening, Discipline, and INTELLIGENCE (in that order). Find full details of this course on The Academy's page.

Gymnastics and Performance Class[edit | edit source]

A three-year program that molds the student's body into chiseled perfection. Has trained some of Raana's most famous artists. It will address a student's Acrobatics, Dancing, Discipline, Performance, DEXTERITY and STRENGTH (in that order). Find full details of this course on The Academy's page.

Teaching at The Academy[edit | edit source]

After reaching a certain skill level in Science or Academics, your slaves can teach at Whitehaven Academy as either Lecturers or Professors.

  • Schedule: 9am-4pm
  • Minimum skill level: 40 (Lecturer) 70 (Professor)

Science Lecturer[edit | edit source]

  • Income: $40
  • Science: 1.0% chance to increase
  • INTELLIGENCE: 2.0% chance to increase
  • WILLPOWER: 3.0% chance to increase
  • Stamina loss: 20%
  • Age: Any

Academics Lecturer[edit | edit source]

  • Income: $40
  • Discipline: 1.0% chance to increase
  • INTELLIGENCE: 2.0% chance to increase
  • WILLPOWER: 4.0% chance to increase
  • Stamina loss: 20%
  • Age: Any

Science Professor[edit | edit source]

  • Income: $110
  • Influence: +4/day
  • Discipline: 2.0% chance to increase
  • INTELLIGENCE: 4.0% chance to increase
  • WILLPOWER: 10.0% chance to increase
  • Stamina loss: 30%
  • Maximum Age: None
  • Minimum Age: 21, or None @ influence >6,000

Academics Professor[edit | edit source]

  • Income: $90
  • Influence: +4/day
  • Discipline: 1.0% chance to increase
  • INTELLIGENCE: 3.0% chance to increase
  • WILLPOWER: 8.0% chance to increase
  • Stamina loss: 20%
  • Maximum Age: None
  • Minimum Age: 21, or None @ influence >6,000

Gold walker[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Income: $30~$120
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
  • Age: 18+
  • Risks: High!

Assigning an NPC as Gold walker will deploy them as a common prostitute.

Details found here: Gold walking

Gladiatrix training and performance[edit | edit source]

You can send a slave to the Arena's Gladiatrix School. It costs $125 per day to keep your slave enrolled here, and in return the school will teach her combat skills and allow you to schedule her for fights in the Arena. Arena fights are not mandatory, but are an way for your slave to earn you Influence and money. A skilled slave can more than pay for the price of her combat education through fighting. These fights are not to the death, but your slave can be wounded in them. If your slave wins, you receive both monetary winnings and influence from owning such a skilled slave.

You can enroll 3-6 of your female slaves and other employees in Crystal Hills Arena Gladiatrix School (CHAGS) depending on your Influence (3 spaces for any owner, with extra spaces for those with 15k+, 50k+ and 100k+ Influence), but you can only arrange one fight per day regardless of how many of your personnel are training there.

  • Daily Cost: $125, plus food and tendstims, but you may also win money.
  • Hours: 24 hrs
  • Age: 14+
  • 15% daily chance to increase Melee combat skill, up to a maximum of 80.
  • 10% daily chance to increase Ranged combat skill, up to a maximum of 60.
  • 10% daily chance to increase Discipline, up to a maximum of 100.
  • 15% daily chance to increase Dexterity, up to a maximum of 80.
  • 15% daily chance to increase Strength, up to a maximum of 65.
  • 15% daily chance to decrease Kindness, down to a maximum of 14.
  • Up to a 20% chance to decrease Weight, based on Body Type and Traits.
  • Girls with the Bloodthirsty trait have a 100% daily chance to increase Happiness, up to a maximum of 80.
  • Risks: High risk of daily injury even if just training; visit slaves assigned here frequently bringing tendstims.
  • Option to have 1 girl a day in a public fight, which will bring Influence and Money if she wins.

More details here: The Crystal Hills Arena Gladiatrix School

Evening and Night-Time Assignments[edit | edit source]

Horse Riding[edit | edit source]

  • Hours: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Base Happiness Gain: 10%/day chance for +1.
  • Base Discipline Gain: 0%/day chance for +1 (cap: 70).
  • Base Influence Gain: +0/day.
  • DEXTERITY: 6%/day chance to increase by +1 (cap: 60).

You can apply [slave] to one of Ikaanos' riding schools. Caring for and riding horses is a great way to reduce Stress, raise Happiness over time, increase a slave's Discipline and their Dexterity, and can increase your Influence.

Note: To change stable be at home and make a girl one of the 2 active slaves > Click on her > Events & Activities > Horse Riding.

Note: You currently cannot change stable, you can only withdraw a girl and then sign up for the other stable. This automatically sells her private horse, if you bought one, at a loss. A fully upgraded white stables horse costs you $5,100, and sells back for $2,100 if you withdraw the girl.

Muller's Barn[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Cost: $5/day
  • Extra bonuses: none.
  • Upgrade - Buy Horse ($500): +8%/day Happiness, +5%/day Discipline.
  • Upgrade - Upgrade Gear ($200): +5%/day Happiness, +1/day Influence. Requires [Buy Horse].
  • Upgrade - Thoroughbred ($1,000): +17%/day Happiness, +5%/day Discipline, +2/day Influence. Requires [Buy Horse].

White Stables[edit | edit source]

  • Daily Cost: $25/day
  • Extra bonuses: +5%/day Discipline, +1/day Influence.
  • Upgrade - Buy Horse ($900): +10%/day Happiness, +5%/day Discipline, +1/day Influence.
  • Upgrade - Upgrade Gear ($200): +5%/day Happiness, +1/day Influence. Requires [Buy Horse].
  • Upgrade - Pure-Bred ($1,500): +10%/day Happiness, +5%/day Discipline, +1/day Influence. Requires [Buy Horse].
  • Upgrade - Champion ($2,500): +25%/day Happiness, +5%/day Discipline, +2/day Influence. Requires [Pure-Bred].