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*'''Level:''' Professional.
*'''Level:''' Professional.

The Space Hulk is a formidable group, consisting of former Space Marines who are changed drastically following the Haalu Incident, plus [[Akari Ito]]. They control Kasey's Park, taking over 60% of the money earned by businesses there. It would take a lot of firepower and courage to defeat them. ("Hulk" is Ikaanan slang for elite space marines wearing [[H.U.L.C. armor]], or [[duraplate]] which has been modified with extra reinforcement.).
The "Space Hulk" is the formidable assumed leader of a group of over a dozen rogue [[Space Marines|space marines]], survivors of the notorious "[[Raana#The Haalu incident (2488)|Haalu Incident]]". Changed somehow by what they experienced that terrible day that killed so many of their comrades, these now silent and strangely-behaving, heavily armed & armored men have deserted the Republic's forces, despite this being a crime punishable by death. This particular group have taken over an abandoned building in the run-down [[Locations (Ikaanos)#Kasey's Park|Kasey's Park]] area, far from [[Skyguard]] patrols - but right by "Kasey's Crack", the break in Ikaanos' city walls which forms an unofficial gateway for trade caravans to take goods in and out of the city without oversight from bribe-hungry Skyguard customs officials. From this base they are now extorting local businesses for money and food, reducing by 60%+ the profits of the caravans using this vital artery. They keep to themselves in their compound, dealing with the locals only through their mouthpiece - a terse and formidable woman called [[Akari Ito]]. How she came to be connected with the group is unknown, but with the space hulk's firepower behind her, the locals grudgingly comply with her demands.
The local traders would love for you to remove this group. This would increase profits from trade passing through this area, and open up [[Jobs and Money#Ikaanos' German caravaneer's guild (Kasey's Park)|new investment possibilities]]<nowiki/>for you. But it would take a lot of firepower and courage to defeat them. The marines should have enough valuable weaponry to cover the costs of taking them on - but as potential slaves their value is more questionable. Their disturbing demeanor makes those around them uncomfortable, and people worry that what's affected them might be infectious. Maybe if you had enough Influence you might be able to find a high-tech medical facility to take a look at them?
("Hulk" is Ikaanan slang for elite space marines wearing [[H.U.L.C. armor]], or [[duraplate]] which has been modified with extra reinforcement.).


Revision as of 15:28, 27 May 2024

This page lists bandit groups, political entities, and mercenary crews that are not part of the Political Event system (Conclude Day events).

Most of them don't offer any investment opportunities, save for some. By eliminating some of these groups, the player gain influence, money and can even unlock new business opportunity.

Generally, they are not hostile to the player and his business empire. However, some of the groups do influence how things happen in Ikaanos.


North Redhaven

The Red Tigers

  • Type: Thug.
  • Investable: No.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Easy.

Often found hanging out in Listeria Alley a few blocks south-west of your house in Redhaven, the red bandana wearing Redhaven Tigers ("Red Tigers") are a newly formed 56-man street gang, who pay a "freebooter's holding" to the Skyguard police to have a blind eye turned to the various nefarious ways they make a living. As with most criminals in the city, they are technically part of the informal Bandit "faction" - though the other bandits won't care much if you wipe them out. If you defeat a small group of them, another will take their place in 24-48 hours. If you remove them entirely, Control in Ikaanos will increase, and you will gain some Influence. The gang might be behind some of the unflattering graffiti which sometimes appears on your walls, occasional windows broken by thrown stones, and damaged door locks that you have to deal with. But lightly armed and armored, and not very skilled in combat, the Tigers won't try to rob you (i.e. initiate fights) as they recognize you as too dangerous for them to take on currently. Being so close to your home, this gang could be a convenient source of slaves and loot if you're that way inclined, and if you want to increase law & order in Ikaanos rather than decrease it.


House Carozza

  • Type: Criminal.
  • Investable: Yes.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Extreme.

House Carozza appears as an interactable location (Carozza Hall) in Whitehaven if Ikaanos Control drops below 40, or if the player's Influence is 20,000+. They are one of Ikaanos' great houses, but are a criminal syndicate which the rest of the Republic would be happy to see gone. They don't have opposed interests to the player, and once the player's Influence is 20,000+ they will accept donations; each point of Standing gained with House Carozza in this way provides $15 per day. Alternatively, if Control in Ikaanos is below 40, the player has the option of attacking House Carozza from within their mansion - a fight to the death, leaving either the Carozza's wiped out, or the player's game over! For more details, see: Carozza Hall.

Denaar addicts of Raven Woods

  • Type: Thug.
  • Investable: No.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Basic.

Dubbed "The Scourge of Raven Woods", this group of homeless denaar addicts hiding in Raven Woods have been reduced to attacking the walkers and even schoolkids of this upper class district recently, for money and goods to sell to fund their fix. Maddened by a desire that gives them frightening quickness and strength, they are rumored to have pulled the head off one of their victims with just bare hands. If someone takes out this group before the Skyguard does, they will be considered a local hero.

Roaming Raiders

  • Type: Bandit.
  • Investable: No
  • Attackable: No.
  • Level: Low.

Once Control starts to fall in Ikaanos, Bandits who normally stay on the less heavily policed fringes of the city start raiding into the more wealthy Whitehaven area. You may meet small groups of them in the south-west of the district. If you defeat out a group, Control in Ikaanos will go up 1 point - but another group may replace them the next day. Close to your home base in Redhaven, these raiders may be a convenient source of slaves or loot if you want to increase law & order in Ikaanos. And the bandits are so loosely organized that, at the moment, attacking some won't affect your Standing with the rest (you'll still be able to visit Fenrik's Tavern in the Underworld safely).


Marston Avenue

Almer's Karate School

  • Type: Brawler, civilian.
  • Investable: No.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Medium.

Almer's Karate School is situated in north Marston Avenue. They are a peaceful, slave-abolishing organization that protects the citizens of Fullnar Hill between Marston and Westside Heights. Their school is unofficially called Westside's watch tower due to the large number of repelled raider attacks performed by the school's students.

Kasey's Park

Kasey's Park Robbers

  • Type: Thug.
  • Investable: No.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Medium.

A small group of 6 robbers, who constantly ambush and steal items from people who are unfortunate enough to run into them. No one would bat an eye if they were killed, but the person who did so would gain a respectable amount of influence.

Die schwarze Flut

  • Type: Slaver, street gang.
  • Investable: No.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Medium.

Die schwarze Flut or The Black Tide in English, is a notorious German slaver/street gang controlling the northern part of Kasey's Park.

The Space Hulk

  • Type: Soldier.
  • Investable: No.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Professional.

The "Space Hulk" is the formidable assumed leader of a group of over a dozen rogue space marines, survivors of the notorious "Haalu Incident". Changed somehow by what they experienced that terrible day that killed so many of their comrades, these now silent and strangely-behaving, heavily armed & armored men have deserted the Republic's forces, despite this being a crime punishable by death. This particular group have taken over an abandoned building in the run-down Kasey's Park area, far from Skyguard patrols - but right by "Kasey's Crack", the break in Ikaanos' city walls which forms an unofficial gateway for trade caravans to take goods in and out of the city without oversight from bribe-hungry Skyguard customs officials. From this base they are now extorting local businesses for money and food, reducing by 60%+ the profits of the caravans using this vital artery. They keep to themselves in their compound, dealing with the locals only through their mouthpiece - a terse and formidable woman called Akari Ito. How she came to be connected with the group is unknown, but with the space hulk's firepower behind her, the locals grudgingly comply with her demands.

The local traders would love for you to remove this group. This would increase profits from trade passing through this area, and open up new investment possibilitiesfor you. But it would take a lot of firepower and courage to defeat them. The marines should have enough valuable weaponry to cover the costs of taking them on - but as potential slaves their value is more questionable. Their disturbing demeanor makes those around them uncomfortable, and people worry that what's affected them might be infectious. Maybe if you had enough Influence you might be able to find a high-tech medical facility to take a look at them?

("Hulk" is Ikaanan slang for elite space marines wearing H.U.L.C. armor, or duraplate which has been modified with extra reinforcement.).


The Black Scorpion

  • Type: Thug.
  • Investable: No.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Professional.

The Black Scorpion of Raikan is a formidable gang, consisting of many veteran thugs, who wield an assortment of weapons, ranging from swords to .50 Cal rifle. Their grip on Raikan is firm and poisonous to the people here. It would require strength, will, and courage of a potential hero to take them down.

The Procoms

The Wrool Cat Wranglers

  • Type: Thug.
  • Investable: Yes.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Medium.

The Wrool Cat Wranglers are a small but powerful group of raiders headquartered in Diggory Alley in South Procoms, and holding much of the area hostage - demanding "protection money" from vendors and merchants.

The Wrool Cat Wranglers will provide a substantial part of that money to the person who invested in them, however, this will harm the stability of Ikaanos. However, if someone brave enough or just doesn't care about the money takes the group out, the vendors and merchants of the Procoms will be very happy and maybe even offer that hero a business opportunity.

The Docks

The Dockyard Punks

  • Type: Thug.
  • Investable: Yes.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Very easy.

The Dockyard Punks are a worker-union-turned-street-gang, who roam the streets of Ikaanos at night. A bunch of lowlifes, who wouldn't be a nuisance if it wasn't for their constant harassment of shipments going from the docks to the rest of northern Ikaanos. They make a living by threatening merchants, dabbling in petty theft, and working sporadic daytime shifts at the loading facilities. Rumors tell that they're paying a hefty freebooter's holding to get the local magistrate to look the other way, but nobody would care if someone "accidentally" set their HQ on fire.

Their presence will interfere with many of your potential passive income streams, such as trade routes (25-50% profit reduction). Paying them off with a one-time fee ($800) will ensure they leave all your shipments alone forever; a quick and relatively cheap solution if you want to avoid violence. Jumping groups of them to remove them from the area will also work, though will take a while: you will find only them in groups of three, and there's about 45 of them in total, and if you defeat one group you will scare the rest into hiding for 2-5 days, though their negative influence on trade will continue during this period - so it will take a long time to get rid of them completely, though their trade penalties end once you reduce their number to nine or less.

They could be a useful source of slaves if that's your thing, as people will turn a blind eye to their removal. They are very lightly armed and armored, and inexperienced in fighting, so there's little danger in taking them on (though little loot to be had, on the other hand). Useful combat practice for new troops of your own, maybe.

As Ikaanos criminals, they are technically part of the Bandits faction, though this is an informal group so other "bandits" won't care much about their fate.


Urban Titans

  • Type: Ravager.
  • Investable: No.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Extreme.

The Urban Titans, also known as The Scourge of Crow's End, is a paramilitary group of wealthy adventurers/mercenaries that spawn after day 30. They have a daily 10% chance of lowering City Control with one point down to a minimum of 19.

Ikaanos City Outskirts - the Westside Swamps

Preacher's Pond


  • Type: Thug.
  • Investable: No.
  • Attackable: Yes.
  • Level: Medium.

In Preacher's Woods to the east of Preacher's Pond are a large band of Tribals from the northern swamps, hostile to the Republic. They are severely disrupting trade caravans, reducing profits by over 70%. They are also terrorizing nearby farmers such as the Walkers of Imogen's Barrow, risking the food supply (and prosperity) of Ikaanos city. And the "degenerate primitives" are also accused of acting aggressively towards travelers, and keeping local villagers awake at night with their drumming.

You can ignore the menace, at cost of reduced profits from certain passive investments. Or you can give the Walkers $1,600 to buy guns so that they can take out the tribesmen themselves (over a period of time). Or you can take on the tribals yourself: there are 74 combatants, lightly armored, with medium weaonry and medium combat prowess, and led from the rear by the Swamp King. They can be taken in small groups as and when you wish, all in one day if you wish to try. These tribals could be a good source of slaves and loot. Or you can leave them alone, to continue hampering the prosperity of Ikaanos. Or you could aid them by taking out the Walkers yourself!