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* -15 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that belong to The Church of The Two Moons.
* -15 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that belong to The Church of The Two Moons.
* -15 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that are Atheists.
* -15 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that are Atheists.
* -20 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that are Aesir worshippers.
* -20 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs belonging to The Cult of The Elder.

==Other cults==
==Other cults==

Revision as of 12:28, 5 June 2023

Religion has a strong influence on the Ikaanian society in 2489. Over 40% of all Ikaanians belong to the official state religion, The Church of the Two Moons, and a majority of them claim to be genuinely devoted to the preachings of the moon priests.

A person living in Ikaanos has religious freedom, however, and there are many smaller cults that have either been imported from Earth or risen from the ashes of The Great Chaos.

The MC can pick his starting religion during the character creation process or convert to any religion later in-game. By increasing his Devotion, through religions actions, he'll gain more and more benefits depending on what religion he belongs to.


  • CTM: 41%
  • Atheism: 25%
  • Christianity: 10%
  • Cult of The Elder: 8%
  • Brotherhood of Ryzan: 6%
  • Hinduism: 4%
  • Asatro: 3%
  • Islam: 2%
  • Other: 1%


Atheism is the belief in Science. There are no intelligent beings controlling the Universe - everything follows a strict ruleset that eventually can be deduced if given enough scientific focus.

Devotion effects

  • Devotion 0-99: No effects
  • Devotion 100+: There's a 10% chance to increase Willpower with one point per day, up to a maximum of 80.

How to increase Devotion

  • By lecturing at Whithaven Academy (40% chance per held lession).
  • By maintaining a Science skill of 75+ (3% chance per day).

Enemy religion effects


Church of the Two Moons (CTM)

With their gleaming towers in Crystal Heights, almost 300 feet tall, it's not hard to realize that the Moon Priests wield absolute power over the religious world of Ikaanos. They are devout advocates for slavery and the mayorship of Ikaanos, immensely aiding the ruling body of The Republic by holding the unruly masses far away from rebellious thoughts. The Moon Priests do this with fiery preachings that speak of the importance of a united front against the Davidian houses of New Eden, and the need to stand strong against forbidden cults roaming outside the city.


The CTM is rooted in athe archaic Hebrew scriptures from Earth, with strong influences from the Vedas and the Mahabharata. They preach about how the thousand headed All-God sent humans to Raana with the mission to restart "the great race of the arch" (archs being planets). They say that the All-God destroyed Earth after humans tried to be gods themselves by extending their lives and acting in "unreligious ways".

Devotion effects

CTM is primarily a city-state religion that gives social and economic benefits.

  • Devotion 0-24: No effects
  • Devotion 25-49: +2 Influence/day.
  • Devotion 50-99: +5 Influence/day, -$5 tax.
  • Devotion 100+: +15 Influence/day, No house tax, Walton's Gun Store Investment provides +$30/day.

How to increase Devotion

  • By praying at the cathedral.
  • By giving donations at the cathedral.
  • By building a home temple.
  • By praying at a home temple.

Enemy religion effects

  • -15 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that belong to The Cult of The Elder.
  • -15 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that belong to Christianity.


Most Aesir worshippers congregate in small shrines in backwater hamlets outside Ikaanos. The grand temple of Odin in Watery Eyes is an exception, gathering roughly 500 devout Scandi warriors that make more than enough noise to let the people of Ikaanos know that The Old Gods are still very much alive.


More information here.

Devotion effects

The Aesir religion follows the old ways - devotion to the Gods will bring happiness to your family and fighting for the glory of Odin and Thor provides the warrior with a place next to the gods, should he vanquish in combat.

  • Devotion 0-24: No effects
  • Devotion 25-49: +5 combat damage (Melee). -2 Influence/day. +5 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers.
  • Devotion 50-99: +8 combat damage (Melee). +3 combat damage (Ranged). -5 Influence per day. +10 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers.
  • Devotion 100+: +10 combat damage (Melee). +5 combat damage (Ranged). -15 Influence per day. +25 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers.

How to increase Devotion

  • By praying at the grand temple of Odin (Warrior's Hall).
  • By giving donations to the grand temple of Odin (Warrior's Hall).
  • By investing in the Fälth brother's business.
  • By praying at a home shrine.
  • By giving captured slaves to the high priests of Odin (Warrior's Hall).

Other religion effects

  • -15 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that belong to the Christian faith.


Christianity, dominated by the Catholic church, spread to Raana during the last two decades before The Severance. Today's Christians have kept their religion relatively intact, while praying for centuries in cellar shrines and faraway churches on the countryside.

Christianity battled against The Church of The Two Moons during the mid-24th century - leading up to the Holy Saint's massacre in 2355. While the two religions try to officially co-exist today, a raging hostility remains underneath the surface.

Devotion effects

Christians are known for keeping themselves mentally and physically fit. They are also a very tightly knit community.

  • Devotion 0-24: No effects
  • Devotion 25-49: +3 Stamina points per day. +15 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers.
  • Devotion 50-99: +5 Stamina points per day. +25 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers.
  • Devotion 100+: +8 Stamina points per day. +40 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers.

How to increase Devotion

  • By praying at a home shrine.
  • By giving donations to orphanages (082).
  • By building a home shrine.

Enemy religion effects

  • -15 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that belong to The Church of The Two Moons.

The cult of The Elder

"The cult of The Elder" or "The cult of the Old Ones" are both contemptuous words given by Ikaanians to simplify the religious beliefs of The Davidians in New Eden. The Davidians call their faith "Raana worship" or "The faith of the All-seeing eye".


Those beloning to "The cult of The Elder" believe Raana is a sentient and highly intelligent being that evolved after a large meteorite containing the seeds of life crashed into the arid planet of Raana billions of years ago. Aboard that meteorite was the being called "The Eye", whose main body now dwells in the inner core of Raana, with tendrils connecting to every living thing on the surface.

Devotion effects

Elder cultists are known for their relaxed attitude toward Raana's unforgiving nature.

  • Devotion 0-24: No Stamina drain (storms/heatwaves).
  • Devotion 25-49: No Stamina drain (storms/heatwaves). +5 to all Survival rolls. +5 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers.
  • Devotion 50-99: No Stamina drain (storms/heatwaves). +15 to all Survival rolls. +10 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers.
  • Devotion 100+: No Stamina drain (storms/heatwaves). +1 Stamina point while walking through an outskirts district. +25 to all Survival rolls. +25 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers.

How to increase Devotion

  • By praying at a home shrine.
  • By building a home shrine.
  • By praying in the wilds (special action in "Investigate Area" section).

Enemy religion effects

  • -20 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that belong to The Chruch of The Two Moons.


The muslim faith on Raana came mostly through the quantum gates during the mid 23rd century after The Caliphate declared a universe-spanning Dawah. The mission on Raana was relatively successful but only a couple of thousands muslims remain in Ikaanos today, as most of their kind settled on Gandaria, a continent that lost all communications with Irendoria several centuries ago.

Devotion effects

The Muslims in Ikaanos are known for their tightly knit community and resourcefulness. They have a very traditional view on male-female relationships and it's considered a sacred gesture to devote oneself to the head of a household. Hassan Al-dāhiya, a powerful merchant from the dark ages, established a muslim-only trade network that still operates today.

  • Devotion 0-24: No effects
  • Devotion 25-49: +1-3% revenue from most Investments. +5/25 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers (male/female).
  • Devotion 50-99: +4-7% revenue from most Investments. +10/50 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers (male/female).
  • Devotion 100+: +8-12% revenue from most Investments. +25/100 Persuasion/Charm bonus with other followers (male/female) if the follower's WILLPOWER is below 20.

How to increase Devotion

  • By praying at a home masjid.
  • By building a masjid.
  • By praying at the holy mosque in Procoms (0.8.6+).

Enemy religion effects

  • -15 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that belong to The Church of The Two Moons.
  • -15 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that are Atheists.
  • -20 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs that are Aesir worshippers.
  • -20 chance penalty when charming/manipulating slaves and NPCs belonging to The Cult of The Elder.

Other cults

  • The order of the Red Tide. Hostile, 2,000 members.
  • The yellow queen. Hostile, 800 members.
  • The Golden Dawn. Neutral, 250 members.
  • Hermes Mysteris. Neutral, 250 members.