The Black Scorpion

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The Black Scorpion
The Black Scorpion
  • Age: 40
  • Race: Ikaanian
  • Weight: muscular (194 lbs)
  • Height: tall (5'11")
  • Background: -
  • Religion: The Red Tide
  • Base location: Raikan
  • Price: Loot (captured)
  • Roaming location: -

Background[edit | edit source]

The Black Scorpion (who insists on being addressed by this name), is a capturable male NPC who can be found in Raikan district. He is the formidable leader of the tough gang who go by the same name, and can only be encountered once the rest of his gang are defeated. Though heartless, he is honorable, and once defeated will serve the MC loyally.

Special restriction: The Black Scorpion's strict code of honor means he disdains the use of Ranged weapons - though he will wear any armor.

Character Traits[edit | edit source]

Starting Stats[edit | edit source]

Note that this NPC's starting Strength may vary between 85-95.

Black Scorpion starting stats sheet 1/3
Black Scorpion starting stats sheet 1/3
Black Scorpion starting stats sheet 2/3
Black Scorpion starting stats sheet 2/3
Black Scorpion starting stats sheet 3/3
Black Scorpion starting stats sheet 3/3

Links[edit | edit source]

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