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Relevant code as of 1 June 2024:

<<if $action is 11>> <<set _int to true>> <<set $mcrel.devotion-=10>> <<addhours 2>> <<set $daycount+=20>> <<set $stampoints-=2>> <<set $tempstamina-=10>>

<<include DiceRolls>>

<<set $chance=$masterint>> <<if $willpower gte 31>><<set $chance-=$willpower>><</if>> <<if $willpower lte 30>><<set $chance-=30>><</if>> <<set $chance-=$skillroll>> <<if $masterlove gte 70>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>> <<if $masterlove gte 90>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>> <<if $masterlove gte 120>><<set $chance+=10>><</if>>

<<if _npc.devotion isnot undefined>><<set $chance-=_npc.devotion>><</if>>

<<if $ is 8>> <<if $traitrel is 4 or $traitrel is 5>> <<set $chance-=40>> <</if>> <<if $traitrel is 6>> <<set $chance-=30>> <</if>> <</if>>

<<if $ is 2 or $ is 3>> <<if $traitrel is 8 or $traitrel is 5 or $traitrel is 2>> <<set $chance-=40>> <</if>> <</if>>

<<if $ is 4>> <<if $traitrel is 8 or $traitrel is 5 or $traitrel is 2>> <<set $chance-=30>> <</if>> <</if>>

<<if $chance gte 1>> <<include Success>>
$girlname finally sees the truth and decides to join your religion!

<<set $traitrel to $>>


<<if $chance lte 0>> <<include Fail>>
Your words fail to affect the ....