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The MC is able to acquire several different land slots that he can use for farming food rations and luxury items or produce raw meat.

These slots can be either conquered or bought from other factions.

A ranch uses the same interface as Taverns and Workshops.

The output from each location depends on a wide variety of factors:

Area effects

The area effect cannot be changed. It adds a multiplier to the output based on soil fertility, geography and climate.


This factor displays the condition of your workers' facilities. Increasing Accommodations raises maintenance but also worker happiness (and output).

  • Bad: Workers are more or less demoted to ranch slaves. A common dorm room without real beds.
  • Poor: One step above slave barracks. A common dorm room with one bed and one chest per worker.
  • Average: A common dorm room with comfortable beds, privacy curtains and a nearby entertainment room.
  • Good: Single rooms for each worker with a comfortable bed, a chest and a closet for clothes. The entertainment room also sports a fully equipped kitchen with a coffee maker.


If you build a transportation network, the output from farming is directly transferred to your inventory. Otherwise you're forced to manually travel to the location in order to harvest its yield.

Field upgrades

A location can have up to four different fields. Fields are used for cattle, farming, tobacco and other resources based on area location and suitability. Upgrading these fields is vital to improving output.

Upgrade costs for each field are drastically decreased if you have many workers stationed at the location you want to upgrade.


You can assign any NPC to a ranch (as workers), as long as he's either a Convict, Slave or Servant. Assigning NPCs to a ranch works just like donating captives to a faction. This means the NPC is PERMANENTLY removed from the game and added to the worker pool of the ranch you assign him to.

  • An NPC's combat prowess, Affection and Anger are added to a ranch's Stability value. Donating newly captured Venomous NPCs is not a good idea unless you've already transferred a lot of loyal NPCs that mitigates the rebellious NPC's effect.
  • A ranch can house between 50-150 workers based on location and area effects.

Foreman (Ranch Master)

You can assign any NPC as Ranch Master. His Discipline, Gardening and Administration skills are added to the RM Bonus pool, which affects a wide variety of factors such as maintenance and output. A Ranch Master assignment works just like an Arena assignment - no interactions at all until you recall him.

A Ranch Master has a 15% chance per day to increase his Gardening (cap: 90), a 15% chance to increase Survival (cap: 50) and a 10% chance to increase Administration (cap: 70).


Stability modifiers

An NPC with WILLPOWER 7+ decreases Stability if:

  • His Affection is Abhorred (-2).
  • His Affection is Despising (-1).
  • His Anger is 5+ (-1).
  • His Anger is 15+ (-2).

An NPC that is Uninterested+ with an Anger below 3, increases Stability if:

  • His Ranged weapon skill is 50+ (+1).
  • His Ranged weapon skill is 80+ (+2).
  • His Melee weapon skill is 50+ (+1).
  • His Melee weapon skill is 80+ (+2).
  • His Affection is Loving+ (+2).

The Stability factor (+/-) itself is then further modified by the number of workers.

Stability effects

  • Stability 4 or less: A daily 20% escape chance (-1 worker).
  • Stability 9 or less: A daily 5% escape chance (-1 worker).
  • Stability 50+: Yield +5%.
  • Stability 80+: Yield +15%.

A successful escape always increases Stability by one point.

Accommodations add an additional modifier for escape chances.

  • Bad: +20%.
  • Good: -20%


Many political events (Alien vermin, etc) can directly affect your ranches by lowering field levels or depleting silo storage.

Available ranches

Zapin fields

  • Type: Farm.
  • Area effect: x0.9.
  • Cost: Conquer ("Camp Yoshida" quest, Averil Lewis)