Old Clubhouse
(Tier 2+ Content!)

The derelict factory in Stokke Hills which you and your brother used to hang out in with your friends when you were growing up. Dubbing it your "clubhouse", you spent many happy years here partying, testing scavenged weapons, and hanging out around fires lit from scavenged waste.
Behind the big, sliding door the building now holds little apart from pigeon droppings and the smell of old oil from the machinery it once held. Plus graffiti. It dispays the insignia of the local "Blue Charucks" gang - small in number but unpleasant; you'd better hope they don't come back while you are here. And a strange-looking hieroglyph which tugs at your memory oddly...
There is a hidden hatch down into a basement, which recent squatters don't seem to have found. You can hang out here to bathe in nostalgia, and recall pleasant memories of your youth, and your brother. (An hour spent reminiscing here can increase your Academics skill by +1, and restore +2 Stamina points.)