Devious Tools

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Devious Tools in Whitehaven district, owned by Miss Devious, sells BDSM gear and related skill-books.


Bondage Devices


Devious Tools sells a small selection of books on the theme of sex and particularly BDSM. A few more on this subject may be found at Ikaanos' main bookstore The Secret Garden.


Miss Devious offers a seven day practical program that explores the inner darkness of humanity and the satisfaction of submissiveness. All slaves assisting in this course are TotaLubed. (The MC can attend this course in person but can't send his slaves.)

  • Theoretical and Practical Bondage: raises Willpower +2/2/3, Bondage +8/10/12, Academics +2/2/2*, and Flagellation by +2/5/12*. $1,800. (* Gains are dependent on Intelligence; lowest gain if Int below 40, highest if 60+).


You can assign one of your slaves to work here. The risk associated with this job is high, as the Miss Devious explains that the slave may be required to demonstrate various products.

Work Details
Income $50/day
Risks Daily oral, anal and vaginal wear; -2 Willpower 1/6 chance, -2 Happiness 1/6 chance unless Corruption 40+.
Benefits +1 Discipline 1/6 chance daily, cap = 70
Age 25 or younger
Requirements Willpower <10 or Corruption 50+


A task can be acquired here which leads to unlocking Piper Holdman as a slave.