Player Home (Redhaven)/News Office

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The news office is a unique buildable room that can be built in any empty room. It is unlocked after asking Nicole Boulay her hopes and dreams after reaching an Affection level of Amiable or higher. When built, it unlocks the exclusive job assignment of News Reporter for Nicole.

Construction and Upgrades

Political Affiliation

Through the News Office, Nicole is able to affect Ikaanos society, represented in-game as changes to the political attributes of Control, Corruption, and Prosperity. The exact attributes and whether they are increased or decreased are determined by Nicole's Political Affiliation. Her possible affiliations are listed below.

  • Neutral: Active if no other affiliation below is true. Randomly affects political attributes if Nicole's Political Power is high enough (see below).
  • Authoritarian: Activates if Nicole's Corruption is 75+ and her Willpower is below 25 or her Willpower is below 5 (regardless of other attributes). Tries to increase Control and Corruption.
  • Anarchist: Activates if Nicole's Corruption is 40+, her Willpower is 60+ and your Household Emancipation value is 50+. Tries to decrease Control and increase Corruption.
  • Democratic: Activates if Nicole's Kindness is 60+, her Corruption is below 75 and her Willpower is above 5 and below 60. Tries to increase Prosperity.
  • Libertarian: Activates if Nicole's WILLPOWER is 60+ and her Corruption is below 50. Tries to increase Prosperity and decrease Corruption.
  • Rebel: Activates (and overrides Libertarian/Democratic) if Nicole's Willpower is 60+, her Corruption is below 40 and your Household Emancipation value is 50+. Tries to decrease Control until the rebel alliance takes over Ikaanos. After that, the rebel affiliation will try to increase Control instead.

After the second tech upgrade, the MC can force Nicole to push his own agenda.

Political Power

Political power determines the amount of influence that Nicole and her paper have on Ikaanos. Political power is increased through random rolls at the conclusion of each day. Additionally, MC's Influence and household Power Value, Nicole's Discipline, Prestige, Fame, Willpower, and skills, and upgrades to the News Office affect political power. At the end of each day, Nicole's political power is checked against a random dice roll to see if Nicole affects Ikaanos and causes an increase or decrease to its political attributes.


The income from Nicole's news paper is also based primarily on her Political Power

  • Base income is Political Power *0.45 dollars per day.
  • A Control value between 10 and 34 increases that income by x1.10.
  • Holidays and festivals (Political events) increase that income by x1.25, while they last.
  • If Nicole's Fame is 100+, income is further increased by x1.10.