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Age is not just a number, it can affect NPC's stats and dialog (+options).

Also, interacting with them positively in their birthday will give an extra boost to their happiness and affection towards you!

(walks, dinner dates, gifts, sex and even bondage for corrupted adult npc's)

As for stats, it affects mostly kids and arena warriors…

Effects on kids as they grow up:

At their 14th birthday:

Males get:
* a +10kg increase in their weight.
* their height raised to 160cm.
* they gain +15 health/toughness.
Females get:
* a +5kg increase in their weight.
* a +10cm increase in their height.
* they gain +10 health/toughness.

And at their 16th birthday:

Males get:
* a +20kg increase in their weight.
* their height raised to 170cm.
* they gain +10 health/toughness.
* Their bodytype is set to Normal (males)
Females get:
* their weight gets raised to 48kg.
* a +10cm increase in their height.
* they gain +10 health/toughness.
* Their bodytype is set to Petite

Effects on arena warriors/slaves:

If NPC is older than 35 yeard old:
* Strenght and Dexterity decrease by one point per year.
If NPC is older than 38 yeard old:
* Strenght and Dexterity decrease by one additional point per year.
If NPC is older than 40 yeard old:
* Strenght and Dexterity decrease by one additional point per year.
* Toughness decreases by 1 point per year.

(the effects are staggered, so a 42 year old arena warrior will lose 1 str/dex at his/hers birthday, and then 2 more in the following months)

(Remember that toughness means max health…)

Character Creation

Age modifiers to MCs stats during character creation (figures NOT cumulative)
Starting Age Strength Dexterity Intelligence Willpower Academics Science Charm
18-20 +2 +6 0 -1 -5 -5 +6
21-23 +2 +3 0 0 -2 -2 +3
24-26 +1 +1 0 0 -1 -1 +1
27-38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39-44 -1 -1 0 0 +1 +1 -1
45-56 -3 -3 +1 +2 +3 +3 -2
57-65 -5 -5 +4 +5 +6 +6 -7
66+ -10 -10 +6 +8 +10 +10 -12

Older Age, and Death

Characters over age 36 start losing Strength, Dexterity and Charm, but gaining Intelligence, Willpower, Science and Academics. Penalties and benefits accrue at an accelerating rate, and are applied at ages 36, 45, 57 and 66 in character formation, and annually in the game.

Ageing can be held at bay by Revital (for NPCs), or in the MCs case, simulating this for free by toggling Aging to Freeze in the game Options.

MCs and NPCs aged 65+ or older double their aging penalties, up to a maximum of -5 STR/-5 DEX per year.

Characters who reach 0 in a Stat are dead from old age.

And reaching 0 in either Strength, Stamina or Dexterity, from injuries or old age, means Game Over!


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