Creating events
The MC has the possibility to create a wide variety of events in his household. Events can increase skills and attributes, raise Influence, provide you with quests, generate POI's and enemy icons and tell interesting stories and reveal your slave's advantages and special attributes.
How to prepare an event
Choose whether to hold a casual chill night in your living room, invite friends to a dinner or throw a party that'll hopefully be remembered in Redhaven for months.
After deciding on what kind of event you want to host, it's time to invite your guests. It's totally up to you if you want a dinner/party with just your girls, or an all-guys night with Bud, Ansel and your mercenaries, or a combination of both.
Your household slaves can either be assigned as participants, servants or pleasure slaves. Participating in events will give your girls a chance to be positively affected by random benefits and Happiness/Affection increases. The servant assignment places them in the background with few interaction possibilities. They are mostly there to provide you with the Influence boost servants could provide their household master. You're able to signal your upper-class status in society by providing your guests with pleasure slaves. Doing so enables not only lewd renders and texts, but also a massive bonus to potential Influence boosts and a positive effect to the final Event roll that decides if your evening is successful or not. Note that female mercenaries might react negatively if you use your slaves in this manner.
After inviting your guests and instructed your slaves on their various responsibilites, it's finally time to build the actual party and decide what theme you'll have for tonight.