Disadvantages (MC)

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The advantage of Disadvantages is that they provide you with more Character Creation Points which can be used to increase Attributes, skill classes or buy positive traits.

Body odor

Points: +10.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC sweats an unusual amount, so accumulates Filth 50% faster than default. Being filthy provides noticeable chance penalties to most charm and sexual persuasion rolls. This effect can be remedied by taking frequent Showers.
Variable: $mctraitfilth


What a fucking friend. An old acquaintance of yours, Ansel Motte, persuaded you to invest in "The Dillinger Bush" – a pyramid scheme that impoverished almost one hundred families in the Westside-Redhaven area back in 2487.

Points: +15.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC starts with a $25,000 debt that deducts $25/day for one thousand days.
Variable: $mctraitdebt


Points: +20.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC consumes 2 extra food rations/day and has a daily 5% risk of lowering his Stamina one point down to a minimum of 49.
Variable: -


During an underground scavenging trip a couple of years ago, a tunnel collapsed and the MC got lost below the city for weeks. He eventually managed to get out but the horrors he encountered down there took a toll on his mental state.

Points: +5.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC starts the game with a -10 WILLPOWER penalty, but finishing the Prowler in The Depths questline will immediately restore those points.
Variable: $mctraithaunt


Points: +30.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC's over-righteous zeal prohibits him from making deals with shady business ventures such as illegal distilleries, Gero Falkenstein's store, the Wrool Cat Wranglers, Carozza Hall, and the Bandit faction.
Variable: $mctraitlaw


The MC has a permanent leg injury which impedes his movement.

Points: +15.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC takes double the amount of time to pass through a district due to his injured leg. This effect becomes inactive after building and upgrading the Stables. He also starts with a -5 Dex penalty.
Variable: $mctraitlimp

Lone Wolf

Points: +20.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC works better alone. This means he'll receive a hit chance penalty (-20) if there is more than one extra member in his combat group. All personal training sessions (dojo) are also subjected to a -20 chance modification (MC only) if the session has other participants. However, when the MC is alone, either in combat or during training sessions, he will receive a +20 chance bonus to hit, a +5 damage modification for all weapons, and a +20 modification to all improvement rolls.
Variable: $mctraitwolf


Points: +15.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC needs to wear corrective lenses, and even with them still receives a -15 chance penalty to all ranged combat and hunting actions.
Variable: $mctraitsight


The MC will not use physical force against any being.

Points: +120.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC cannot attack in any combat situation. His Followers are unaffected by this disadvantage, but going solo into a fight always means defeat.
Variable: $mctraitpac

Sex Addict

Points: +25.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC cannot think straight when at Normal Craving or higher, and receives cumulative penalties to hit rolls during combat, Homeschooling sessions and training (MC's stats): Normal craving:-6 chance penalty. Strong craving: -12 chance penalty. Huge craving: -24 chance penalty. Constant hardon+: -48 chance penalty.
Variable: $mctraitsex


The MC suffers the effects of early arthritis, meaning he will never achieve the physical prowess of a gymnast or athlete.

Points: +25.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC cannot increase his DEXTERITY beyond 70.
Variable: -

Stim Allergy

Points: +70.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC's body automatically destroys the TZ-22 and SL-A nanites found in tendstims and combat stimpacks. All fast-healing substances are therefore more or less useless and he has to depend on natural healing to recover from wounds.
Variable: $mctraitstima


Points: +25.
Requirements: None.
Effects: This disadvantage enables a special, repeatable domestic event chain that involves various small mishaps such as injuries, broken items, and temporary debuffs. There's a daily 2% chance that the event chain executes.
Variable: $mctraitjinx


The MC has a small or slim frame, limiting the maximum Strength he may achieve.

Points: +25.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC cannot increase his STRENGTH beyond 70.
Variable: $mctraitwb


The MC is of a sensitive temperament, which limits his ability to cope with stress or intense emotion.

Points: +25.
Requirements: None.
Effects: The MC cannot increase his WILLPOWER beyond 70.
Variable: $mctraitww