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Released: August 30th, 2024

Gameplay changes

  • [NPC] The Tier2+ slave now gets a +30 Stamina boost if you pick the sadistic > combat route.
  • [NPC] Added roughly 1,000 lines of new dialogue to various sex systems, especially for WILLPOWER 0 (or less) NPCs.
  • [NPC] The Urchin now starts with the Scavenger trait.
  • [NPC] Male slave trainees (assigned to a slave master) will no longer lose Happiness when a female slave mistress uses them sexually. If those male trainee's Corruption is 10+, their Happiness is instead increased by one point per day up to a maximum of 80.
  • [NPC] Prowlers can no longer take part in domestic events.
  • [NPC] You can now switch between armor/clothes and closeups/normal view in an NPC's Inventory.
  • [NPC] Dominant NPCs now get a +10 success boost when working as Slave Masters/Mistresses.
  • [NPC] You can no longer assign NPCs as Followers if their Affection is Despising or lower - if their WILLPOWER is 20+.
  • [MC] The MC now also receives a *nervous combat penalty* (-50, 20% risk) if his WILLPOWER is 5 or less (25 or less on Grimdark). This penalty becomes inactive if either Ranged or Melee combat reaches 80+.
  • [MC] You can now increase your Occult skill by reading at The Historical Society (a total gain of +3 is possible to achieve at this location).
  • [UI] The Fallen Troops popup now also displays which day an NPC was killed.
  • [ARIA] You can no longer assign Aria to the stables or to The Academy after she's become Chancellor.
  • [WORLD] Defeating House Carozza now gives an additional $100,000 (in loot).
  • [CCP] Doubled the cash and Health penalties for the "Just my luck" event (Unlucky trait).
  • [CCP] Added the "Adora Sanor" trait. You can now purchase Adora Sanor as your slave for 50 points instead of choosing the Expert slaver class.

New quest: Camp Yoshida

Averil's character quest has been added - a short conquer/anecdote adventure. You're able to activate this quest by asking about her Background (Amiable+).

Ranch framework

A completely new external household framework has also been added. Ranches are a ration/meat output location with many advanced features. You can read more about them here:

In 0835, you're able to aquire "Zapin Fields" after defeating the slaver crew that're currently occupying this remote location.


The Morning BJ framework now has an "order/serve" breakfast option that brings in food for you and your newly-awakened girl. Features several special renders and 1,000 words of dialogue/event texts.


  • [FORT SERA, AESIR] You can now donate fully implemented NPCs (convicts and slaves) directly from the NPC Menu > Actions > Task & Locations tab.
  • [CATHOLICS] The Church now accepts Food Rations as donations (750R increases their power value with one point and adds to your standing).

Random NPCs

  • Added 4 new male AV-sets.
  • Added 20 new random male and female first names.

Animated scenes

There's now an official animation mod made by Sandman. This mod replaces a lot of generic images with animated scenes. Start by downloading "Sandman's Videos" from the official mods folder, place the Videos folder in "Masters of Raana/Mods" and then activate by clicking "ON" in the options menu, page 3, "Sandman's Videos".

Difficulty settings

  • Sandbox: Increased Retainer yield from $70 to $150 per day.
  • Sandbox: Increased starting cash with $10,000.
  • Grimdark: Increased ammo prices with roughly 10%.
  • Dying world: Having a City Prosperity below 10 will now disable the Ammo Pack trait for NPCs.
  • Dying world: Prosperity now affects all business incomes. A Prosperity below 15 deducts 10%, a Prosperity below 5 deducts 20% and a Prosperity at 0 deducts 35% of all incomes for stores, factions and vassals.
  • Dying world: Ammo prices will now slowly increase starting at day 40 and ending at day 1,000. The maximum increase (at day 1,000) is roughly 100-150% of day 1 starting prices.
  • Dying world/Grimdark: increased the price for a Durasteel Great Sword with roughly 20%.

NPC Religion effects

  • NPCs will now increase their devotion randomly between -2 and +2 points per day.
  • NPCs with WILLPOWER below 5 have a 10% risk of decreasing their Devotion with one point per day, down to a minimum of 10.
  • Catholic NPCs with WILLPOWER 20+ and Corruption below 30 now have a 20% chance of increasing their Devotion with one point per day if City Corruption is 75+.
  • NPCs that are Aesir with Devotion 60+ now receive a +3 combat damage bonus.
  • NPCs that are CTM with Devotion 60+ produce 50% additional Influence if working as Heralds.
  • NPCs that belong to The Cult of The Elder and have Devotion 60+ now gather about 20% additional Merchandise when assigned as Scavengers.
  • Muslim NPCs with Devotion 60+ now gain a +10 Accountant skill bonus (when actively assigned as Accountants).


  • Added 12 Arena scenes (Piper, Milou Skye, Farah, Arizona).
  • Added combat sprites for Akari and Kahill Arena girl.
  • Added 6 harness/collar/nip chain combo wardrobe pics (Loren, Juno, Kelly). Tier request.
  • Added one new morning BJ scene for Lovisa.
  • Replaced Lovisa's "assready" scene.
  • Replaced Lovisa's formal and new eden dress wardrobe pics.
  • Added 5 wardrobe pics for Iona Farley.
  • Added 1 armor wardrobe pic for Bud (hleather).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a serious bug that would apply the Addiction to NPCs that shouldn't actually have it.
  • Fixed a display bug that would break lines in the Economy tab for Firefox users.
  • Fixed various display bugs with the household luxury spending pane.
  • Fixed two bugs with Caitlin's quest (a lingering proposal penalty and journal entry after completing The Blind Hunt).
  • Fixed two instances of Brawlers having soak value but no equipped armor.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't apply the second decor upgrade bonus to The Bondage/Training room.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't decrease the Jaded Trait Value when gifting Imperial Flowers.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't properly set "Food" for Herculean NPCs.
  • Fixed a bug that didn't increase Hunger for dinner participants (Arrange Event).
  • Fixed a bug that would make Nicole's rebel-aligned news office to continue lowering Control even after Aria's takeover.
  • Fixed a bug that would deduct Affection from Milou *before* aria's quest was finished (if her allowance is below $1,000).
  • Fixed a HEALTH display bug in the fifth Follower hover-over info pane.