Assignments and Jobs - Slave Master

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Slave Master/Mistress

  • Daily Income: None
  • Hours: Special
  • Age: 18+
  • Risks: Low


Assigning an NPC to slave training duty allows you to assign slaves (including convicts) to them. It is a full time, daytime job. They will train assigned slaves according to the trainer's stats and traits. A trainer can train any number of slaves, but at a -2 penalty per trainee above four. You can have up to three Slave Trainers in your Household. You can only assign a trainee to one Trainer. Being assigned to a trainer does not count as a Job; trainees can still do their normal jobs.

If you permit it, some Trainers will sexually use their assigned slaves, with consequent effects on their Happiness, Fear, Humiliation, and oral/vaginal Wear - and Happiness gains to the Trainer.

Note: The term Trainer will be used throughout this document in place of Slave Master or Slave Mistress.

How to assign NPC to be a Trainer

  1. Open the NPC Menu
  2. Select the NPC to assign to the job
  3. Select the Jobs & Titles tab
  4. Clear the NPC of any other jobs
  5. Select Slave Master/Slave Mistress

How to assign slaves to a Trainer

  1. Open the NPC Menu
  2. Select the NPC to assign to a Trainer
  3. Select the Houserules tab
  4. Switch to the second page of Houserule, by using the arrow near the top-right of the screen
  5. Under the Available Masters section of the page, select the NPC you want to train this slave

What they train

Training Mechanics
Stat Increased By Max limit Decreased By Min limit
Willpower Trainer with Willpower 40+ and not Malevolent (Pure trait 40+) and Fear under 10 and Respect 30 or less and not Nymphomaniac (trait 50 or less) and not Perverted (trait 50 or less). 80 Trainer with 30+ Respect, or 40+ Fear, or Malevolent trait (<25 Pure), or Willpower under 10. 10
Corruption Trainer with 60+ Corruption 80 Trainer with 10 or less Corruption. 10
Kindness Trainers with 60+ Pure trait or 70+ Kindness 80 N/A N/A
Discipline Trainers with 90+ Discipline or 90+ Workaholic trait 70 Trainers with 29 or less Discipline 10
Ranged Combat Trainers with 100+ Ranged skill 70 N/A N/A
Melee Combat Trainers with 100+ Melee skill 70 N/A N/A
Physical Attributes Trainers with 90+ Workaholic or Brawler trait, or 85+ Strength, or 70+ Warrior trait 60 Strength (full chance, daily) & 70 Dexterity (chance x 1/3) N/A N/A
Sexual Skills Trainers with 60+ Nymphomaniac trait or 80+ Perverted trait. Only male trainers increase Anal skill. Male trainers remove both Vaginal and Anal virginity. 80 Oral, 80 Vaginal,

60 Anal, 60 Kissing

Vanilla Trait Trainers with 60+ Pure trait, 10 or less Corruption and 80+ Vanilla trait 100 Trainers with 60+ Nymphomaniac trait or 80+ Perverted trait 0
Malevolent > Pure trait Trainers with 60+ Pure trait and 10 or less Corruption 100 (chance x 1/6 daily) N/A N/A

Success Rate

  • Each day at Midnight, the game determines if the Slave Master/Mistress was successful in training that day.
  • This is determined by comparing the Trainer's Skill to a random number between 1 and 100.
    • Trainer Skill = Trainer Intelligence + Trainer Discipline.
    • If the Trainer has the Workaholic trait, add 10 to the Skill total.
    • If the Trainer has 500 or more Fame, add 10 to the Skill total.
    • If the Trainer's age is 35+, add 10 to the Skill total.
    • If the Trainer's age is 20 or less, remove 5 from the Skill total.
    • Divide the Skill total by 2 for the final Skill.
  • Then if Skill is greater than the random number (1 to 100), training will occur.

In game, you can view the Trainer's Skill by clicking on the "i" button next to the Slave Master/Slave Mistress job on the Jobs & Titles tab.

Sexual Use

Which Trainers sexually use their trainess

A Slave Master/Mistress will sexually use assigned slaves if both of these conditions are true:

  1. Either of these is true:
    1. The Trainer is Male
    2. The Trainer is Female with 90+ Corruption
  2. AND one of these is true:
    1. The Trainer has the Nymphomaniac trait (60+)
    2. The Trainer has the Perverted trait (70+)
    3. The Trainer has Corruption 60+

In game, you can determine if a Trainer will sexually use a slave by clicking on the "i" button next to the Slave Master/Slave Mistress job on the Jobs & Titles tab, one of the Effects will be "Will use slaves sexually."

What happens when they are sexually used

  • +5 Vagina Wear up to ~74
  • +10 Oral Wear up to ~79
  • Uncorrupted slaves (Corruption < 40)
  • The Trainer will gain 2 Happiness