Laika Wixx

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Revision as of 20:00, 12 May 2024 by AlexD (talk | contribs) (→‎Character Traits: added mention of their scavvie synergy)
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  • Age: 14/18
  • Race: Tribal
  • Weight: 40kg / 48kg
  • Height: 149cm / 159cm
  • Frame: Very Petite / Petite
  • Background: -
  • Religion: The Elder Cult
  • Base location: Temple of Yidhra
  • Status: Servant
  • Price: $0 ($5/day)
  • Roaming location: Temple of Yidhra


You encounter Laika together with her brother Loden while searching through the abandoned Yidhra temple in Kasey's Park. Here, the kids have taken refuge after escaping from a crew of soldiers where they've been forced to work as gritter slaves.

There is background information available after acquiring this NPC.

Character Traits

  • Scavenger (special; see below)
  • Wild-born
  • Brawler
  • Warrior

Character Traits (18+)

  • Delicate Features
  • Frigid

She can also get (random chance):

  • Daddy Issues
  • Jaded
  • Nerd

Special ability - team Wixx:

Laika and Loden both have the Scavenger trait, but also work together so well as siblings that if sent Scavenging on the same day, they will work together to bring home extra Merchandise (up to +6), and maybe extra tendstims too. (Don't ask them where they get this loot!)

Starter Stats


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(currently all NPC's from Av18 and above are "Ikaanian" in the game)


Masters of Raana 0.8.3h html file.

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