Armor Store

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The Armor Store
The Armor Store

Owned by Karl Cyker, son of Kalmani Cyker, the Westside Armor Store sells custom-fitting low-to-mid tier armor for men and women both. The store's claim to fame is the famous Cyker Inc. Combat Armor, manufactured locally at the Westside Assembly Plant, which is owned by Karl's father. In addition to the armor itself, customers can also purchase a Chitin coating or upgraded Tokyo plates for their Combat Armor. The store sources it's other merchandise from trade caravans with the Kingdom of David and local leather workshops.



The Westside Armor Store sells a variety of armors which can be custom-fit for both male and female customers. Fitting the armor to the customer may take up to three hours.

Male Armors

  • Padded Armor: $80
  • Leather Armor: $300
  • Heavy Leather Armor: $650
  • Combat Armor: $2700

Female Armors

  • Padded Suit: $100
  • Leather Armor: $230
  • Heavy Leather Armor: $600
  • Combat Armor: $2500

See the Armors page for detailed stats.


Repairs may take up to three hours and varies in price based on the armor, but does not change based on the condition of said armor.

  • Padded Leather: $10
  • Leather: $30
  • Heavy Leather: $60
  • Combat Armor: $250


Combat Armor can be upgraded in two ways. The first is a coating of Chitin, which costs $1500 and adds +6 to the armor's soak. The second is completely replacing the armor's chest plates with DuraSteel plates manufactured in New Tokyo, which costs $3500 and adds +9 to soak. These upgrades do not stack.

Sell-able Goods

  • Leather: $18/unit