Armand Blackford

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  • Age: 36
  • Race: Ikaanian
  • Weight: 80 kg
  • Height: 155 cm
  • Frame: Normal
  • Religion: Atheist
  • Base location: Bank of Ikaanos
  • Status: Gentleman/Servant
  • Price: $1000 ($60/day)
  • Roaming location: Bank of Ikaanos


Armand is an accountant, originating from a distinguished on Emerald Island. However, after a series of complications and wrong decisions from Armand himself, the reputation of his family was tarnished, leading to him being shunned and disallowed from inheriting the family's business.

There is more background information available after acquiring this NPC.

Character Traits

  • Materialistic
  • Perfectionist
  • Perverted
  • Workaholic

He can also get (random chance):

  • Jaded

Special Ability

When assigned to the Accountant job, Armand will earn 45% extra money.

Starting Stats:


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