Player Home (Redhaven)

A man's home is his castle. Sure, it's a little dilapidated right now, but it's yours. Your home is more than just a place to live. The condition of your home affects the happiness of your slaves, your reputation, and the different tools at your disposal. An investment in your home is an investment in yourself.
Your home has many rooms, each of which has different effects and functions. Initially, these rooms are in a state of disrepair and provide negative effects. Upgrading these rooms once will remove the negative effects, and subsequent upgrades will add positive effects or even unlock new options.
Living Room
Your living room is used for relaxation and entertaining guests. The state of your living room affects your influence as well as your slave's arousal and, with an optional upgrade, happiness.
See Living Room for details on upgrades and their effects.
Where (most of) the fun happens! Your bedroom is where you and any slaves with the appropriate permissions sleep and engage in... other activities. As such, the state of your bedroom affects how much stamina you recover while resting and slave arousal when trying to seduce them.
See Bedroom for details on upgrades and their effects.
Your kitchen is where you or a household slave cooks food! The state of your kitchen effects your influence and what kind of cooking-related appliances and amenities you have.
Your kitchen also doubles as a dining room, and so it's appearance has a greater impact on Influence than some other rooms. A guest will not enjoy eating in a dirty kitchen, after all.
See Kitchen for details on upgrades and their effects.
Your bathroom is, of course, where you bathe. You can shower/bathe alone, or with a slave if you have one who is willing. If your slave is not willing, you can try to force the issue if you so choose.
See Bathroom for details on upgrades and their effects.
Guest Room
Bondage Room
This room is where you can indulge in some of the kinkier acts that require dedicated equipment.
- The rack (available by default)
- Dildo chair (must be purchased - for e.g. at Devious Tools)
- Standing cage (must be purchased)
Optional add-on: Obscene art - Increases willpower loss of tied-up slaves.
Tech Module
Allows you to access The Grid and launch hacking attacks (WIP). Upgrades give you better hardware and bonuses to hacking attempts.
Your home has a small, enclosed yard which can hold a garden and a gazebo.
- Gazebo ($1,200): The gazebo provides a +2 to daily Influence gain and a bonus to slave happiness.
- Garden ($300/$300/$300): The garden provides a small amount of income from farming that can offset food costs. A basic garden provides $2, a large garden $5, and an advanced garden $8
- Defenses ($200/$200/$200): Upgrading your defenses will add advanced locks (-5 penalty to slave escape attempts), wall spikes (-10 penalty), and motion detectors (-15 penalty).
Clicking on the "Manage Home" button will open a screen from which you can upgrade your home and view your financial information. Here, you can choose whether to pay for food automatically for you and your slaves, and the quality of said food. You can also optionally pay a significant daily sum for extra luxury which will make you and your slaves much more comfortable. (Someone please edit this with the actual effects,)
The "Income" section lists all your incomes from business investments, farming, slaves working as prostitutes, and slaves working other jobs. If any of these factors are being affected by external factors, they will be highlighted as red links you can click for more details.
The "Costs" section lists everything you're paying for. Food, luxury, Merc upkeep, and taxes/maintenance are all included, as well as any money you're losing from a "bandit scourge."
Your home has limited food storage. If you exceed the limit, your food disappears from inventory @ rate 5% per day. {Example: 1500*.05 = 75 food disappears}
Your default storage limit is 1,500 which can be increase to 7,500 when you construct the Food Silo for $1,500 from your house menu: Facilities > Crafting > Manage Modules.
You can acquire some food each day if you upgrade your yards garden (3 levels: +2/+5/+8 food). Garden tools from General Store will increase the yield @ +1 per garden level.
You can assign a single slave to assignment 'Garden Duty' for possible increase food yield for your homes garden based on their Gardening skill:
- Gardening 1-25: +0% income.
- Gardening 26-50: +25% income.
- Gardening 51-74: +50% income.
- Gardening 75-129: +100% income.
- Gardening 130: +200% income.
Assigning Mai-Lynn to your fully upgraded Garden will now provide you with an additional 2 rations per day. She'll also use gardening tools more efficiently.
With Mai-Lynn, Garden tools, 75 Gardening skill, and a fully upgraded Garden, will yield 24 food per day.