- Climate: Temperate tropical
- Polar Regions: No
- Continental Surface: 78%
- Circumference: 42.500 km
- Rotation speed: 23h, 12m
- Age: 5.22 Billion Years
- BHE: Before Human Era. Year 2130 is BHE 0.
Pre-human history
- The Beryll pottery culture (5000-4750 BHE)
First humans
The Mahabharata probe discovered Raana in 2116 after travelling through the newly constructed Celassi stargate but it wasn't until 2120 that Earth sent the first scientific expedition to the thriving forest planet. The 2120 expedition found striking similarities to Earth(*1). They discovered and catalogued many forms of life including an indigenous species formally called Inexor Valacae, or Beryll Monkeys. What truly brought humanity to Raana was the large deposits of Rare Earth elements (*2), which spurred the UESA (United Earth Space Agency) to launch the first wave of settlers in 2130.
(*1) Not only was Raana highly suitable for maintaining life, the planet also shared a similar age and oxygen levels. What was really convenient, however, was the planet's rotation speed. With minimal adjustments to the clocks on Raana, later colonists were able to synchronize their time with Earth's, even if a raanic hour was slightly shorter.
(*2)Rare earth elements are 17 similar metals that have different electronic and magnetic properties. They are extremely valuable for their uses in the creation of petroleum products, computer chips, LCD screens, fiber optics, lasers and more.
The first wave and the tribalist kingdoms (2130-2230)
Colonization (2230-2290)
The Severance and the great chaos (2290-2315)
The Dark Age (2315-2440)
Stabilization (2440+)
- The empress wars (2463-2465)
- The Borderwars (2483-2488)