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Released: XX September, 2023.

Gameplay changes

  • Having a vaginal, anal or oral skill of 80+ will now decrease sexual wear 25% faster for that skill - if the girl is 25 or younger.
  • The Valkyria combat encounter in Marston Ave. is now more difficult and will not spawn until 30 in-game days have passed.
  • You can now hover over an NPC's weapon or armor (in the interaction menu) to display information about damage and Soak values.
  • You can now donate rations at the Orphanage. Doing so will provide you with Influence, Affection boosts for followers and a small climb towards a more prosperous city (up to 75).
  • Virgins can no longer get the Nymphomaniac trait when their stats are generated.
  • Slaves and your Wife now have a 20% chance to decrease Kindness with one point down to 59 after a combat encounter.
  • Lowered the .50 cal rifle price by roughly 40%.
  • Prostitution fame will now increase sell value at slave auctions if Ikaanos' Corruption is 75 or higher.
  • Slaves now gain experience from working as escorts.
  • All experience gains from prostitution are now capped at 100.
  • You can now enter Crystal Hills if your Devotion toward CTM is 50+. This free passage is also active during anarchy states when the Influence requirement is 10,000+.
  • Your slaves and wife will now get a small bonus to their STRENGTH training (included in MC's session) if they have an active Brawler trait.
  • Raised the chance for a Devotion increase with 15% for girls participating in prayer sessions at home.
  • Food rations will now decay by 5%/day instead of a flat -25/day - when exceeding your food silo limit.
  • Encouraging your wife now has a 20% chance to increase her Kindness up to a maximum of 75.

Miss Winton

You can now acquire Miss Leia Winton through a mini-quest as long as you've had at least seven sexual encounters with her after completing The Prowler in The Depths chapter 2.


  • The way Factions generate money has been completely revamped. They start giving you "donations" and revenues already at Standing 15+, and continue to increase their revenues even after Standing has reached 100. They'll only provide Influence boosts after 100+, however, just like before.
  • Decreased the Power Value bonus from factions with 50%. Investment factions such as Fort Sera are not affected by this change.


  • A prayer session at home now only takes 30 minutes instead of one hour.
  • An MC belonging to The Cult of The Elder can no longer donate, and thus gain standing with, The Church of The Two Moons.
  • An MC belonging to the Aesir, the Muslim faith or The Church of The Two Moons can no longer donate to The Catholic Church.

Random slaves

  • Added 3 scripted slaves (Av205, Av206, Av207).
  • Added 4,000 words of random slave background dialogue.

Domestic and Political events engine

  • Added 4 new Domestic Events.
  • Added 5 new Political Events.


  • Having Armand as an assigned follower, with Affection Amiable+, now gives a flat 10% increase to the *cash power* variable when selling slaves at any auction house. This will roughly net you 5-15% more income for sold slaves.
  • Rifle Savant now accepts the .50 cal rifle in addition to a normal rifle.
  • Having a threesome with Adrienne and Michelle will now raise Michelle's Lesbian Devotion up to a maximum of 60.
  • Added the third chapter of "The Case of Dexter Colt" - roughly 2,000 words of dialogue when doing Activities together with Mr. Colt.
  • Dexter Colt's salary has been increased to $150.
  • Dexter Colt no longer has the ammo pack trait.
  • Dexter Colt can now change weapons and maintain the same ability (Crackshot) with any armament you decide to give him.

Combat revamp

  • There's now a "Favorite weapon" framework that allows you to select a set of preferred weapons and toggle between them while in a combat situation.
  • Duraplate and combat armor now decay 35% slower than mid and low tier armors.
  • Combat Weave armor now decays 75% slower than all other armors.
  • Random capture engine testing phase is officially over: Stokke Hills bandit girl respawn rate has been drastically reduced to roughly once every three weeks.
  • Added a "Reach" combat feature that's active for Great Swords and Spears, giving a small hit penalty for enemies fighting with shorter weapons.

New weapons

  • Spear (craftable, purchasable at various vendors).
  • Wakizashi - a shortsword sold by Haruki in Raikan. Has the "Fast" ability - which applies a dodge penalty for enemies.

New district (Raikan)

The MC can now visit Raikan, east from Watery Eyes. Raikan features several interesting locations.

  • A general store that sells weapons, crafting materials and other items. Offers a medium-sized quest called "The Ring".
  • A seedy tavern mostly reserved for mercenaries and burakumins.
  • The holy Amiago water temple - dedicated to the princess saint of Raikan.
  • Toshi Gardens. An investment location that opens up after finishing Mai-Lynn's quest.
  • Burakumin village. An investment/quest location that opens up after defeating The Black Scorpions.
  • The Black Scorpions. A yakuza-cult hybrid organization that offers a really tough fight.

New district (Kahill outpost)

A pioneer's autonomous backwater town that features everything an adventurer needs.

  • The Goat's Toe. A seedy tavern with two mini quests, some dialogues and a place to rest (Conclude Day).
  • Luke's Empire. A simple general store that offers ammo and other necessities.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug involving the old Events Engine and the $latentgift variable, which would thrash a girl's Affection and Happiness if you failed to supply her with sweets, take her to dinner or go to the movies after making a promise during a persuasion attempt.
  • Fixed a bug that would execute blank events during the Conclude Day phase.
  • Fixed a bug that would make Carozza Hall appear at other locations.
  • Fixed a bug that would reset the tribal spawns in Preacher's Pond, causing the wrong type of enemy to show up during combat.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't remove church donations (cash) from your Inventory.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow you to purchase a Plasma Rifle at Imperial Arms unless you pressed the "View Stats" button first.
  • Fixed two bugs that would wrongly calculate your household's daily income.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause incomplete slave events to execute.
  • You can no longer enslave "Old Cooney" and thus break/wonkify the Michelle quest.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow you to add the Tier2+ slave even if you had a vacant spot in The Retreat.
  • Fixed a bug that would give a slave +1 Willpower during a Conclude Day Event, when she in fact should lose one Willpower point.
  • Fixed a bug that would display "_race" and NaN errors while inspecting a slave that's involved in bondage.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't let Head Maids in "The Annex" raise other slaves' Discipline.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't display the older Laika pic in the Follower menu if she's 16+.


  • Added pregnant wardrobe pic for Mai-Lynn.
  • Added 7 sex scenes for Mai-Lynn.
  • Added 25 bondage scenes for Mai-Lynn.
  • Added 6 sex scenes for Sofia.
  • Added 4 sex scenes for Aisha.
  • Added 50 sex scenes for Av102, Av110, Av112, Av124, Av208 and Av137.
  • Added 7 sex scenes for Av106.
  • Added 4 wardrobe pics for Rebecca and Dakota (collar-harness-nipple chains combo).
  • Replaced the crossbow, sword, sledgehammer and knife combat/vendor pics.