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Released: XXX February.

New features

The retreat

Just west from the MC's household is an old stone apartment building up for sale. The janitor/landlord, Mr. Hemsley, including his two guards, offer a perfect opportunity for the player to finally expand his stable. Purchasing this facility will increase the slave cap to 19, making room for all story slaves + 4 randies (or future story slaves).

Once purchased, The Retreat offers a seamless expansion of your household. Buying, capturing or finding slaves while having a full household will automatically put them in The Retreat and you can send off your currently active slave with one easy click (Interaction>Events and Activities).

Walk over to The Retreat and recall any slave to your household with just one click. Should all household slots be full, the recall command will just replace your currently active slave with the one you're recalling.

Once in The Retreat, slaves will:

  • Heal injuries, whipmarks and sexual wear.
  • Stabilize Humiliation, Pain and Anger.
  • Stabilize Happiness and Affection based on your chosen settings.
  • Stabilize their weight. Anorectic slaves will slowly increase their weight up to 42 kgs, while obese slaves will decrease their weight down to 69 kgs.
  • Age (as long as the stopage command is undefined in settings).

Slaves in The Retreat will NOT:

  • Affect each other through Traits (Advocates are strictly held in their rooms!).
  • Decrease Defiance.
  • Decrease Fear.
  • Work or go to school.
  • Escape.

New slave: Eliana Nicols

Eliana is a prostitute at Furry's Tavern. You can add her to your household after gaining her trust and completing The Golden Seal.

  • Added quest: The Golden Seal.
  • Added roughly 10,000 words of unique background stories, anecdotes, dialogue and other events related to Eliana.

Housewife status

Keeping your wife unassigned from duties will now automatically throw her into a "housewife status". Acting as a housewife, your beloved woman will spread her feelings about you and affect all other slaves and NPCs based on how she feels for the moment.

  • If your wife has a Kindness of 60+, Amiable+ Affection, Happiness 60+ and is unoccupied (not a follower, bondage etc), there's a 30% daily chance she'll increase all NPCs' and slaves' Happiness (up to 70) and Affection toward you (close to the limit between Amiable and Loving). This also includes your kids - having a kind and caring mother that doesn't hate her husband will benefit them greatly, and give their father more time for other stuff instead of looking after them all the time.
  • Added 3,000 words of random housewife dialogue. You can catch your wife talking to your kids, other slaves or comment on the status of your deplorable kitchen, to mention a few.

Fragile minds

Teenagers and Pure trait holders with Willpower and Corruption below 30 will now suffer a slightly heavier Happiness and Willpower drop during rough sex, bondage sex, bondage actions and whipping sessions.

Wardrobe and clothing changes

Slaves and your wife can now be told what type of clothes you want them to wear through the House rules section. Your request will only execute at the start of the day (right after End Day) so you're able to dress them up during the day without having them randomly switching back to their preferred clothes.

  • A slave must have either Willpower 9 or less, Corruption 40+ or the Perverted trait to voluntarily dress in harnesses or accepting a nudist household.


  • NPCs now go to bed at 11 instead of 9.
  • Added new NPC: Mr. Doyle.
  • Added roughly 2,000 words of dialogue and stories Mr. Doyle will tell you about old expeditions into the wilds, Redhaven and in particular your house, including various rumors from the time before your father moved in (Events & Activities > Spend Time).

Grimdark difficulty changes

  • Lowered cash loot with roughly 45%.
  • You can no longer switch BACK to Normal or Sandbox once you've selected Grimdark difficulty.
  • Increased the cost of MAG ammo and Energy cells.
  • Energy cells and MAG ammo will not replenish as quickly as on normal difficulty.

Arena changes

  • The last High Tier arena opponent is now considered to be the true champion of The Arena. Defeating him will immediately make you the new champion.
  • The last High Tier arena opponent are now five in numbers - Telsior Dama, two red guards and two black guards.
  • Defeating the last High Tier arena opponent will now display a different text and a special render.
  • There will be a "reset Arena" button in the debug menu for (removed in next update). Pressing this button sets your Arena score to 60 and enables the last high tier champion fight again - IF you've already defeated Telsior Dama.

Crippled NPCs and slaves

NPCs and slaves who've sustained numerous combat injuries, causing either their DEX or STR to drop below 10, will now suffer a -50 hit chance in all combat encounters. NPCs will recover their Attributes naturally if you allow them to go back home (Dismiss), or through training. A special recovery script kicks in for all slaves that are injured - as long as they are *Unemployed*.

Aimee's Goods

A new interactive store has opened somewhere in Ikaanos (doesn't pop up until after day 40). This store, run by Aimee and her little sister Dakota, features advanced investment framework as well as a mini-quest. Upgrading your investments here will enable new goods, better prices and a daily revenue.

Rebecca's business trait

Rebecca's skills as a business partner can now be filly utilized by assigning her the Skulduggerist title in her main slave menu. From here, you'll also get a detailed list of all her gains and how she affects various business investments you've done in Ikaanos.

Assigning her as a skulduggerist when she's your wife will now occupy her entire day schedule but also further increase your revenues with (roughly) 25%.

Important game changes and bug fixes

  • Intelligence 80+ and Willpower 80+ will now unlock one extra homeschooling class session, per ATTRIBUTE (maximum 4 classes/day).
  • You can now craft and sell jewelry.
  • Nymphomaniac slaves will no longer lose Happiness due to sexual craving IF you have an assigned Floor Crawler with Corruption 15 or higher.
  • Your now able to raise certain NPC's Corruption (most males, except Ayden) by having a Floor Crawler assigned - up to a maximum of 70. The chance of increase is 15% to get one point/day.
  • Having 15,000+ Influence will cut the chances of Gero Falkenstein getting a crackdown event down to astronomically small numbers.
  • Having anal sex with a girl on the rack will now increase her anal proficiency much faster if it's below 8.
  • Crafting time for all items will now reduce with 5% units if either your Blacksmithing or Artisan skill reaches 75. It'll be reduced with an additional 5% units when either skill reaches 95.
  • The End Day passage should now move 50% faster.
  • Slaves can no longer be Perverted and Shamefast at the same time.
  • Slaves can no longer be Dominant and Submissive at the same time.
  • Assigning a floor crawler now has a small chance of increasing certain NPC's Corruption (most males).
  • A noticeable prostitution score (39+) will now lower the bonuses from high sexual experience stats if you're auctioning off one of your girls at Crystal Heights.
  • Yields from most skill books will now depend more on Intelligence and less on a random number.
  • Nymphomaniacs and slaves with Corruption 60+ no longer require a command if you tell them to remove their clothes.
  • Having Academics or Science 85+, 100+ or 130+ will now buff incomes with an additional $10/step. Having a skill of 100 will now give you an additional +$20/day, 130+ gives +$30/day. The same goes for Influence 3000+, which now also provides +$10 per day.
  • Owning Grid Keys will now provide you with a +4 hacking mod, on the field and at home, per owned key.
  • You can now buy a larger batch (x150) of Fasteners at the Market.
  • There are now finite stocks of Energy cells and MAG ammo. These stocks will replenish frequently on normal difficulties.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a critical bug that would merge your wife with your primary slave if you asked for a blowjob but was too filthy for her to accept.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't lower your Wife's Humiliation over time.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't increase slaves' Nymphomaniac Traits even if your Wife had the "Cock Hungry template" while assigned as a mistress.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't let Pure trait holders decrease other slaves' Malevolent trait.
  • Fixed a bug that would play the bird ambient background sound in the city if you traveled from an outside district.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't display the revolver for NPCs.
  • Fixed a bug that would enable the MC to make an infinite Make out loop while having sex.
  • Fixed a bug that would drain Stamina points while doing non time-consuming actions at home.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to assign babies as combat followers.
  • Fixed a bug that would lower your slaves' Happiness and Affection when switch between Show Values/States in the Interaction menu.
  • Fixed a bug that would disable the Nanny title if you assigned a nanny to the Arena.
  • Tweaked the market resetter script to avoid kill screens at secondary vendors such as Hamah Bay and Belial Guns.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to change a follower's duty at the Arena.
  • Fixed a bug that would make you unable to assign a fourth follower.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to preform infinite deepthroat actions on a girl.
  • Fixed a bug that would undress a girl during dominant seduction attempts even if your roll failed.
  • Fixed several texts asking you to reach Friendly Affection to reveal more about an NPC's past, when it in fact required an Amiable Affection.

New art

  • Added 26 wardrobe pics for Eliana.
  • Added 29 sex scenes for Eliana.
  • Added 7 bondage scenes for Eliana.
  • Added 1 dinner scene for Eliana.
  • Added 8 inspect pics for Eliana.
  • Added 2 wardrobe pics for Averil.
  • Replaced 12 Averil wardrobe/training pics.
  • Added 14 sex scenes for Averil.
  • Added 23 bondage scenes for Piper.
  • Added 1 orgy pic for Piper.
  • Added 2 workout pics for Lovisa.