Aaron Kreuger
- Age: 32
- Race: Ikaanian
- Weight: 215 lbs
- Height: 6'2"
- Frame: Herculean
- Background: -
- Religion: Atheist
- Base location: Kymanto Hall
- Price: $2,500
- Roaming location: -
A huge hothead, notorious for fighting like a Berserker, Aaron was sentenced to death for blinding Major Wulmar, a Hamilton Skyguard champion, in one of his frequent bar fights. The Kymanto syndicate spotted his potential for profitable physical labor and intervened in his sentence, paying to have it translated into a lifetime of slavery. Your standing with Kymanto makes Aaron available to you at a bargain price - though he is still a convict, not just a slave.
Character Traits
He can also get (random chance):
- Workaholic
- Malevolent
- Brawler
Starting Stats
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