Felix Donnerschlag

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Revision as of 18:28, 24 April 2024 by AlexD (talk | contribs)
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  • Age: 33
  • Race: Ikaanian
  • Weight: 96 kg
  • Height: 188 cm
  • Frame: Muscular
  • Religion: Atheist
  • Base location: Kasey's Park
  • Status: Mercenary
  • Price: $1500 ($350/day)
  • Roaming location: Kasey's Park


Felix is a veteran of the famous Border War and a hero of his people.

There is more background information available after acquiring this NPC.

Character Traits

  • Ammo Pack
  • Brawler
  • Frigid
  • Jaded
  • Warrior

He can also get (random chance):

Starting Stats:


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