Laika Wixx

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Revision as of 11:01, 8 March 2024 by Xaos (talk | contribs) (Adding Laika's bodytype in the top of the page)
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  • Age: 14/18
  • Race: Tribal
  • Weight: 40kg / 48kg
  • Height: 149cm / 159cm
  • Frame: Very Petite / Petite
  • Background: -
  • Religion: The Elder Cult
  • Base location: Temple of Yidhra
  • Price: $0 ($5/day)
  • Roaming location: Temple of Yidhra


You encounter Laika together with her brother Loden while searching through the abandoned Yidhra temple in Kasey's Park. Here, the kids have taken refuge after escaping from a crew of soldiers where they've been forced to work as gritter slaves.

There is background information available after acquiring this NPC.

Character Traits

  • Scavenger
  • Wildborn
  • Brawler
  • Warrior

Character Traits (18+)

  • Delicate Features
  • Frigid

She can also get (random chance):

  • Daddy issues
  • Jaded
  • Nerd

Starter Stats


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(currently all NPC's from Av18 and above are "Ikaanian" in the game)


Masters of Raana 0.8.3h html file.

Search: $npc.av18 = {