Disrepair, or your household's Dilapidation value, can affect your current occupants' Happiness and Affection toward you if kept unchecked. It will also damage your Influence.
Disrepair 80+
- Has a 50% chance to decrease an occupant's Happiness with one point/day down to a minimum of 39.
- Decreases a Materialistic occupant's Happiness with one point/day down to a minimum of 15.
- Has a 25% chance to decrease your wife or wives Affection toward you with one point/day down to Amiable.
- Decreases your Influence with two points per day.
Disrepair 150+
- Decreases your Influence with two additional points per day.
Disrepair 400+
- Decreases your Influence with two additional points per day.