The Golden Dragon

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The Golden Dragon is an opulent restaurant that caters to the rich and influential elite of Ikaanos. Located in Crystal Hills, the Golden Dragon is so lavish that single diners are not even welcome; all must be accompanied by at least one partner. The tacit implication being that anyone who doesn't have the money or influence to get some beautiful arm candy for dinner isn't good enough. Even a customer's apparel is judged; formal dress is required to enter.

Everything about the Golden Dragon is carefully tailored to set it apart from the drab bars and taverns that cater to the lower classes. Luxurious decorations and furniture bring to mind images of an old 19th-century European establishment, and gorgeous dancers and singers keep the patrons entertained. The upper-class nature of the establishment ensures that all performers are protected from unwanted advances by the patrons. Impeccably dressed waiters deftly slip from table to table, serving guests with an air of sophistication and professionalism.

The Golden Dragon is so upscale that it can afford to pay the Skyguard for security, and the Dragon even keeps its' own agents on retainer for solving any unconventional problems. Weapons are, of course, checked at the door.


You can bring one of your household members here for an intimate dinner. There are a lot of variations for this activity. Things will play out differently depending on what options you pick for dinner, and the Affection and Happiness of the NPC. You can order wine multiple times to get your slave to lower her inhibitions and open herself up to some personal quests about her background.

The dinner itself consists of one or more courses (a starter, main course, and desert) which you can select at the start. During each course you will have the opportunity to socialize with your slave. Successful rolls will increase her happiness You can also choose to act rude and demeaning toward your slave, taunting her by making her eat only a small portion of the delicious food placed in front of her. This will reduce her affection, but also reduce her willpower.

Taking more than one NPCs to dinner so that they will interact with each other as well as you is not currently supported.


One of your slaves can be employed here as a singer and dancer. The work pays extremely well, but the minimum requirements to qualify are fairly high. The Golden Dragon guarantees that there will be absolutely no bodily violation of the slave, who will perform fully dressed.

Work Details
Income $150/day
Minimum Beauty 40
Minimum Charisma 60
Minimum Dancing or Performance 70
Influence Bonus +2/day