Released: January 3rd, 2024.
Gameplay changes
- [NPC] The MC and NPCs now suffer a -10 penalty when training physical skills *if* their age is 50+. The penalty increases to -20 if age is 60+. Penalties do not affect Ranged combat.
- [NPC] Talika now starts the game as a Red Tide Devotee. This also increases her base WILLPOWER and Discipline by up to 60 points.
- [NPC] Talika now starts the game with a guaranteed DEXTERITY between 75 and 95.
- [NPC] Ayden now starts the game with the Crackshot trait.
- [NPC] The Black Scorpion now always start with the Brawler trait (if captured and added to household).
- [NPC] NPCs that are imprisoned or in the training room (over night) will no longer be affected by their slave masters or by Room effects.
- [NPC] Converting and NPC will now raise his or her Affection toward you with 5 points (cap: Loving).
- [NPC] Piercings, clothes and other Beauty/Charisma enhancing apparel will now count toward the Performer thresholds.
- [NPC] Taking Abhorred or Despising male NPCs to the diner now has a 75% chance to increase their Affection toward you with two points.
- [NPC] Males will now use Floor Crawlers if their Corruption is 25+ (was 40).
- [NPC] Floor Crawlers will now lose Stamina (amount of Stamina Points deducted is roughly 50% of their "workload"/day).
- [NPC] Passive Arena training now has a chance to increase Stamina (cap: 90).
- [MARKET] Reduced cost for ointment by roughly 50%.
- [ECONOMY] You're now able to sell Wood and Gunpowder at Redhaven Market.
- [MANUFACTURING/CRAFTING] The workshop is now processing knives, swords and crossbows in batches of 100 (was 10).
- [HOUSEHOLD] Increased starting gold, copper, silver and iron ore availability by 50-70% for all mines.
- [HOUSEHOLD] The Alien Vermin event will now deplete all household gardens (-1 level per event). Only active on Dying World playthroughs!
- [INTERROGATION] Added an additional +10 chance modifier for bringing a full group of Followers to the interrogation room. The MC's Power Value and Influence will now also add a slight bonus to "Kind/respectful" interrogation attempts.
- [WORLD] Defeating Goran-Ika now gives +20 Fame points per Follower, instead of 16.
- [WORLD] The Catholic Church can no longer wipe itself out (power below 1) from the abbey scandal event.
- [WORLD] The Catholic Church now only suffers a -3 Power penalty from the abbey scandal event (was 40).
- [WORLD] Auto buy rations will now deduct food from Redhaven Market's food supplies (Market cap).
- [CCP] You can no longer combine the Mountain Man and Weak-boned traits.