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The Hedami (from "hed" (Scandi word for "pasture") and ami (first wave word for "brothers")) are a culturally distinct group of people who live a nomadic lifestyle in the northern parts of Ikaanos Colony, the great plains between New Eden and Lake City and in the wastelands east of the Haalu plateau. They have a diverse ethnic origin but use many traditions from the Romani people, the hippie culture of the 1960s, The New Wave of the 2070s and first waver spirituality.

History[edit | edit source]

The Eccer Documents from 2234 mentions Hedami for the first time - suggesting that the culture is originally a first wave phenomenon. The group grew into a solid cultural aspect after The Severance, however, boosting at least 5,000 individuals in the 2490s.

Culture[edit | edit source]

Hedamis are often used as trackers in off-colony expeditions, due to their abilities to avoid, distract and pacify wild beasts, even those native to Raana.

Hedamis are known for their armored wagons and castle-like wagon camps, used as protection against feral lizards and raiders.

City-dwellers are often suspicious towards the Hedami, prone to accusing them of thievery and child abduction - despite the strict code of laws that true Hedamis follow.