Valerie Borsow

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Valerie Borsow
Valerie Borsow
  • Age: 23
  • Race: Ikaanian
  • Weight: 110 lbs
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Background: -
  • Religion:
  • Base location: Furry's Tavern
  • Price: Slave
  • Roaming location: -

Background[edit | edit source]

Another of the staff at Furry's Tavern who the MC has a chance of recruiting. Valerie is multitalented, beautiful and charismatic. Tribal tattoos cover her body, indicating a foreign heritage, while a heavy collar ensures she would be recognized if she escaped. She performs about once every five nights at Furry's, as he keeps the night's entertainment on rotation. There is a chance that, on a night when Valerie is performing, if the MC is carousing with other bar patrons, he might get an event mentioning Valeria, and if he continues socializing for another couple of hours, he might be able to start a chain of events leading to the possibility of him taking over her slave contract.

Character Traits[edit | edit source]

  • Extrovert
  • Starlet
  • Frigid

Starting Stats[edit | edit source]

Valerie Borsow starting stats 1/3
Valerie Borsow starting stats 1/3
Valerie Borsow starting stats 3/3
Valerie Borsow starting stats 3/3

Links[edit | edit source]

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